Heavenly father pls deliver me from all nightmares sleeplessness evil thoughts bad thoughts evil eye witchcraft idolatry worldly thoughts adultery addictions sexual addictions sexual sin. Pls crush and destroy all this Pls forgive me of all this sins and cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls...
Heavenly father pls deliver me from all horoscopes witchcraft familiar spirits soul ties zodiac signs and all evil thoughts and bad thoughts and bad motives. Pls destroy all this and put it all to death. That I will have healing in all areas in my life. Amen.
Heavenly father pls save me from all attacks satanic attacks spiritual attacks and hands of the enemy. Pls protect my mind. Pls help me to not idolize anything or anyone. Pls give me strength to overcome the enemy and all demons. Pls destroy all witchcraft and. All satanic activities in my life...
Heavenly father pls deliver me from all sleeplessness and idolatry. Pls help me to overcome idolatry and that it will not take control over my life anymore. Pls intervene That the enemy will not have no control over my life at all. Pls cast out all demons of idolatry and all demons out of my...
Heavenly father pls save me from all attacks and hands of the enemy and all demons and cleanse my mind. Pls fill my my mind with right motives. Pls deliver me from all evil and all unrighteousess and all bad thoughts evil thoughts idolatry adultery. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me...
Heavenly father pls deliver me from all witchcraft familiar spirits stammering stuttering insanity craziness demonic activities hexes vexes black magic mind games mind battles curses evil eye bad dreams demonic dreams and attacks and tactics and hands of the enemy and all demons. Pls destroy and...
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls deliver me from all evil and pls deliver me from all wickedness and from all attacks hands and tactics of the enemy and all demons. Pls help me that I will not idolize anyone or anything anymore. Heavenly father pls I was looking to buy K. Essandjos...
Heavenly father pls deliver me from all witchcraft from all evil all evil eye all attacks hands tactics of the enemy and from all demons. Pls cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls deliver me from all insanity all craziness and all abnormalities. Pls destroy and put to death all witchcraft and...
Heavenly father pls deliver me from all witchcraft from all demons. Pls deliver me from all insanity all craziness and all abnormalities. Pls destroy and put to death all witchcraft and all demonic activities in my life. Pls change my heart and my mind. Pls fill me with right motives. Amen.
Heavenly father pls deliver and heal Connor someone I work with at Walmart that he will be totally healed and set free and that he will come back to work. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls help me that I will have a heart of repentance forgiveness and love...
Heavenly father pls put your blood and Holy spirit on my mind and my heart. Pls deliver me from all witchcraft familiar spirits bad thoughts evil thoughts wicked thoughts evil intentions mind battles bad intentions. Amen.
Heavenly father pls I need your forgiveness and your healing and mercy. Pls cleanse me of all unrighteousess and pls forgive me of all sins. If there's any evil in my heart and mind pls remove it. I'm rlly struggling with math right now and that I will officially change my name. Deliverance from...
country: unknown
first plsheavenlyfatherpls
higher pls
laziness demonic possession
name deliverance
new apartment
other people
right way
sleeplessness pls
Heavenly father pls kill my flesh and pls sanctify me and all areas of my life and my mind heart and soul .pls deliver me set me free from all lust adultery idolatry evil eye demonic attacks satanic attacks demonic oppression satanic oppression mentally illnesses insanity abnormalities evil...
heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins and all unrighteousness. i give my heart and my life to u and i accept u as my Lord and Savior and i accept your gift of salvation. pls have control over my life. pls deliver me from all evil and from the hands of the...
Heavenly father pls I thank u this morning. Pls protect me as I go and come back. Pls protect me from all evil wickedness. Pls guard my heart and my mind. That my court charges will be expunged from my record. And that I will be able to move again next year and complete my college soon. Amen.
Heavenly father pls be with me tonight as I sleep. Pls cover my home with your blood. Pls protect me shield me from all demonic attacks demonic forces satanic forces witchcraft attacks spiritual attacks evil forces. Peaceful sleep and wake up tommorow morning. Marital breakthroughs. I wish I had...