Please heal me up and bring Strength in this heat and have this dr call back soon and also with the right caring knowledgeable dentist help it all to work out soon and heal all pain wheezing allergies sinuses colds and bronchitis cough
Big bug spider whatever that was on my door step trying to get in my open door please protect me Lord have have your will soon what You have in store for me and this weekend, heal me up in this heat.
Getting really bad gerd lord and this spicy food didn’t help and bless all those people that have to cook our food in this heat, seems many look out of sorts due to this heat please cool it down my body cannot adjust to this and affecting my health
Heal stomach belch and indigestion and don’t let my food spoil in this heat Lord and please bring repentance and forgiveness to those close that they communicate soon
Lord please clear these bugs spiders and webs are getting on me from my outdoor patio and yard where have to water due to this heat, please cool us down and help appt to go well and keep us safe and deliver us from evil, amen
Stop lord all attacks of Your enemies and please stop this leaking fridge in the heat and get us a life to Your standards and help to sleep well and bless us all and keep us safe
Lord please heal completely and this foot pains and bunion you made a miracle by relieving some of this under foot pain and to sleep well and relief in this heat and bless this day for us All please
Deliverance from this heat and their ego pride deception and rebellion had enough of this lord please help to get away very soon to a cooler spot away from here for good please open doors soon and have your mighty way and heal me help to find a rental Soon IJN
Help to function in this heat Lord and heal head to callous feet bring strength haven’t accomplished much in this Heat and help to make to these functions Soon and Early where can be cooler please cool us down
Jesus please let the heat subside. Please let my husband's job be ok. Please let my son be more grateful and appreciative and cooperative. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Let there be some relief in sight we’ve had enough of this heat and heal head to toe and feet callous and pain swelling inflammation infections No diabetes cancer or surgery
Jesus please let the person who promised me a gift card carry through on that. I need it, and I earned it fair and square. Please also let the rumors and gossip about my husband's job stop and him not feed into it, and if it is really true, please let him fight it or at least find a comporable...
Lord I pray this Heat subsides and this other group meets up soon and these rashes are totally healed and gone and please wake me earlier and help my body to rest up and heal well for this blessed busy weekend
Cool this heat Lord and heal me totally all rashes itch belch bloat indigestion any fungal toes allergies growths heal it all and convict those in our lives to your truths and saving Grace and keep me safe and this persons able to help with my car soon