You know! ("Emma Watson")! We are and were each other since then when you and I had been created by the Lord. ("Emma Watson") You really get me married as soon as possible, I pray daily with each heartbeat of my love. God swear! Some love one, some love two. I loved one, ("Emma Watson")! That is...
make mad my husband samir barman for me because i love him so much i cnt live without him if he leave me i will kill myself i cnt live without him he is my heartbeat but he dont understand my feelings he dont respect my love he dont give me time pls give me his love time care attention i dont...
Plz pray for Amanda Hernandez she is having heart complications and was halo flighted to San Antonio TX. She is young and they cannot find the problem with her heart and why they can only sustain her heartbeat at 60 bpm.
Am 8weeks pregnant. I went to the doctor to do ascan there was no heart beat . I told the doctor to give me time to pray to my God I believe the heart beat will be back. My next appointment is on 25th please pray for me and my baby God to restore her life back in Jesus’s name i pray and believe 🙏🏿
Prayer request for a good result of my tvs, Praying for a baby's heartbeat to be detected., by the holy spirit, Praying for peace of mind. praying for good health, praying for a good night sleep. In Jesus name i pray Amen
i need a prayer for my self i want to die because my husband dont. love me he dont care me i love him so much i diid everything for him but still he dont realise that so kill me jesus i cnt liive without him i cnt. stay. withouut him kill me samir barman is my heartbeat but he dont care about me...
I am 5 weeks and 6 days pregnant and I go tomorrow for my first ultrasound and today I saw something small in the toilet when I went to pee. I am praying my baby is ok and I will see a heart beat tomorow and I will have my baby full term in a few months. Please pray for my Pregancy and apt...
Praying for a miracle, just left the doctor they said my baby has no heartbeat, but God can do all things! Praying that God will restart the babies heart and I will have a successful pregnancy,
Irritation /Inflammation iof the deeper throat. (larynx) and stomach.
I have caughed alot.
I cannot sleep because of it.
Soar throat/larynx.
Some kind of virus.
Fast heart beat.
I am in third month pregnancy yesterday doctor said heartbeat is stopped and I believe that Jesus can do miracle in my life that he will bring the heartbeat again
Hi my name is sahil My wife is pregnant and having twin one of which heartbeat formed and one’s not pls pray for them they will see the world with Jesus grace and pregnancy should be successful without any harm to mother and twin Amen
Please my god I am asking to save my pregnancy please father doctor saying its no heartbeat lord I know you a good god I am asking you to let the doctor find a heartbeat on my next visit
No stress or tension.
To.much obligations and needs.
Normal not fast heart beat.
Relaxed stomach. Relaxed breathing. Breathing with whole capacity not shallow.
No feeling like i have a stone stomach arra. Amen
I'm 9 weeks pregnant and went to the checkup yesterday and was told the baby had no heartbeat for a week. The doctor told me to wait another week. Pray for God's great miracle. This is my second abortion situation
I messed things up really badly with my ex. I still love him and id give anything in a heartbeat to be able to be with him again. Pls pray for him to forgive me and desire a relationship with me again. All I want is a second chance to be a better girlfriend to him, and hopefully his wife...