Lord I offer you this prayer to bless me with my current relationship right now. Fill our hearts with love for each other. Please give us strength to never surrender to any challenges that we may encounter. Lord please give my partner so much patience & understanting. Please bless us make our...
Lord I offer you this prayer to bless me with my current relationship right now. Fill our hearts with love for each other. Please give us strength to never surrender to any challenges that we may encounter. Lord please give my partner so much patience & understanting. Please bless me & my...
I need peace in my heart & mind. I need my joy and hope back. Please pray for me. I feel like I%u2019m falling and I can%u2019t stop the anxiety & fear from taking over.
Lord I offer you this prayer to bless me with my current relationship right now. Fill our hearts with love for each other. Please give us strength to never surrender to any challenges that we may encounter. Please bless me & my partner, make our complicated relationship uncomplicated. Fill his...
Lord I offer you this prayer to bless me with my current relationship right now. Fill our hearts with love for each other. Please give us strenght to never surrender to any challenges that we may encounter. Please bless me & my partner, make our complicated relationship uncomplicated. Fill his...
Please play with me it's been a battle battle battle battle everyday arguments big ring shelving screaming pop b****** problem please pray for Bob b**** let's problem please papers lost at the work was showing there was ways Lord has shown that he is his bank account pray for the car people...