Please keep my grown son Kris in prayer
he lost his dad week ago and tonight he is alone
he is really down anxiety and he forgot about his dad passing he was going to call him please keep Kris in prayer urgent Lord Jesus Christ to confront Kris prayer his sister and her friend Harold stay home...
Pray harold s implant came apart and he will get reimbursed for this he had the surgery last week meeting with dr now to find out what was wrong with the shoulder implant. This would sure be a blessing for them to pay for it.
my grown son Kris is really upset way my grown daughter maria and her friend Harold is treating him they won't pick up after themselves or wash dishes and help Kris around home Kris has few problems has bypolar and blind in one eye they are treating Kris not right please pray for Kris to settle...
Please pray Harold will be able to urinate nie sfter surgery please please pray they just came in and he has to go but they bladder is asleep please pray he will go quickly he is in hospital from surgery. They replaced the shoulder implant it was loose Cheryl
Pray for me Pray Harold will not be mad at me when I get home today. He was very upset at noon ith me over a misunderstanding. Please pray he has cooled down. Thank you
Pray for our church will stay protected from COvID as bd all our church family Pat Has it snd please pray no one else catches it pray for God to put a hedge over me and my family as Harold has to have a bone scan pray he just has a loose screw in the implant no infection
Prayer request for Harold to stop desiring to commit suicide. To get born again. Stop drinking, doing drugs, chewing tobacco, stop smoking. Get delivered from his addictions, and begin getting custody of his kids. His ex is getting blind. He needs to quit his addictions to take his kids under...
Please pray for Harold not to commit suicide. His ex wife is double charging him child support when she had stolen all his money and she keeps demanding more and more. And now he been talking about committing suicide. Pray her doesn't commit suicide. But that he gets help. Thank u.
Pray for Harold to get a good report of No Cancer and just a stone tomorrow at the Dr at 11:45. Pray also my my job for us to get new clients in and all my families jobs are secure. Pray that the second does of the Covid shot will not make us feel reel bad pray it will not last but few hours...
Pray for Harold to get a good report tomorrow from the renal ultrasound on his kidney and bladder. Thank you all for praying and pray fir my job and gor new clients to come in
Please pray for Harold that a good report comes tomorrow from the dr report on Kidney and bladder The LORD sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health. - Psalm 41:3 Thank you Please pray I find the ring I can’t find snd gor my job for business to come in to secure...
Please pray for Harold that a good report comes tomorrow from the dr report on Kidney and bladder The LORD sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health. - Psalm 41:3 Thank you Please pray I find the ring I can’t find snd gor my job for business to come in to secure...
Please pray for Harold that a good report comes tomorrow from the dr report on Kidney and bladder The LORD sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health. - Psalm 41:3 Thank you Please pray I find the ring I can’t find snd gor my job for business to come in to secure...
Please pray for Harold that a good report comes tomorrow from the dr report on Kidney and bladder The LORD sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health. - Psalm 41:3 Thank you
Please pray fir my job snd for Harold pray he is fine no cancer he has blood in urine. Pray that all blood work and test are good snd it is just a reaction to medicine. Pray for us to get work in snd the phone to ring so I will have a job pray I get the wills finished for clients. Pray the phone...
Pray for Harold that all test come back perfect snd he has no blood clots no blood in ursine we are at dr now test pray his blood work is good too. Pray for protection from Covid fir all me family and me Harold.
Harold is passing blood in urine. Pray it is nothing please please pray and also that he has no blood clot in leg. Pray. Just little kidney infection pray we all will stay well and protected from Covid pray for wills job to find great favor
Please pray for my sister, Darlene and her husband, Harold. They both have Covid-19 and are very sick. My sister is 67 and she has asthma, so she is at high risk, and my brother-in-law is 70 years old. Please pray that they will get better quickly with no complications. Thanks you for your...