Please pray police see Hardiman must be jailed for malicious communications and withheld medical care,please pray he loses his pension and all assets and we get millions for malicious refusal of care.
Please pray relatives trying to sell my ovaries never get near me again and that their pervert friends are deported. Please pray George and Hardiman are jailed for life.
Please pray I’m protected from Hardiman and I receive millions for slander,GDPR breaches and his gross and creepy gossip about a patient he failed to meet on 4 appointments
Please pray we are fully supported by the GMC in getting Bromilow and Hardiman suspended for deliberately delaying essential treatment and slander. Please pray they are struck off and will never see patients again,both have been in rouble before
Please pray that Hardiman,a wicked doctor,is jailed and struck off,and that Galina and Dan receive his pension and salary until retirement. Please pray he’s made aware he’ll be hounded out of the profession for lying h and slander.
Please pray Hardiman is forced to resign from our unit for slandering a patient and on that basis illegally withholding treatment. Please pray he’s gone tomorrow and she prosecuted him.
My friend has been slandered routinely to justify withheld medical care. Please pray police prosecute the hospital and she is compensated by the Whittington Please pray Hardiman is refused a lawyer.
Please pray Hardiman loses his job for disgusting slander and discrimination (withheld medical treatment). Please pray he’s publicly slammed for misfeasance.