IN Jesus name. I pray that God bless me with the money to be bale to pay my employees and be able to pay my mortgage. I pray that I get over these hard times. Amen
i request that our business will flourish even thoigh its hard times right now i hope we will e all together as family, i wishes good health and financial stability and i wish for my friend that i hope he will not leave me
Homeless but safe by God. Hidden from men, criminals and on a safe spot of wilderness. God help me thrive and grow and better myself by strength in Jesus. And to remember all the bad, the hard times to finally say goodbye to them. I am homeless but still live for God. Pray for me to discipline...
Thank you God for Your love and mercy on mankind through Jesus Christ our LORD. O LORD may You give grace and peace to those who senserely seek you, in the Almighty name of Jesus Christ. O God may You help us know how much more valuable is the hope in You, that we may stand and persevere in hard...
Heavenly Father I am asking prayers for Janice who has blood cancer. Please bless the people who are helping her in these hard times. Please touch Janice with your healing hands and make her well again in every way she needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
Heavenly Father I am asking prayers for Janice who has blood cancer. Please bless the people who are helping her in these hard times. Please touch Janice with your healing hands and make her well again in every way she needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
Heavenly Father I am asking prayers for Janice who has blood cancer. Please bless the people who are helping her in these hard times. Please touch Janice with your healing hands and make her well again in every way she needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
Heavenly Father I am asking prayers for Janice who has blood cancer. Please bless the people who are helping her in these hard times. Please touch Janice with your healing hands and make her well again in every way she needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
Heavenly Father I am asking prayers for Janice who has blood cancer. Please bless the people who are helping her in these hard times. Please touch Janice with your healing hands and make her well again in every way she needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
[Paul, to the Ephesian elders at Miletus:] "But there is another urgency before me now. I feel compelled to go to Jerusalem. I'm completely in the dark about what will happen when I get there. I do know that it won't be any picnic, for the Holy Spirit has let me know repeatedly and clearly that...
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biblica inc
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eugene h peterson
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holy bible new international version
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tyndale house publishers inc
Heavenly Father I am asking prayers for Janice who has blood cancer. Please bless the people who are helping her in these hard times. Please touch Janice with your healing hands and make her well again in every way she needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
Heavenly Father I am asking prayers for Janice who has blood cancer. Please bless the people who are helping her in these hard times. Please touch Janice with your healing hands and make her well again in every way she needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
Heavenly Father I am asking prayers for Janice who has blood cancer. Please bless the people who are helping her in these hard times. Please touch Janice with your healing hands and make her well again in every way she needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
Hope for better financially at hard times and snap out of this depression I’m in and have better relationship with my loved ones and girl seams like everything I do is wrong every time I try to make things better.
Heavenly Father I am asking prayers for Janice who has blood cancer. Please bless the people who are helping her in these hard times. Please touch Janice with your healing hands and make her well again in every way she needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
Heavenly Father I am asking prayers for Janice who has blood cancer. Please bless the people who are helping her in these hard times. Please touch Janice with your healing hands and make her well again in every way she needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
Heavenly father we thank you for the gift of life all mighty King of glory, I ask you to continue protecting and providing for my family.king of universe take more of me give me more of you. Mighty God please we lift all your people in your hands those who are having difficult in one way or...
Heavenly Father I am asking prayers for Janice who has blood cancer. Please bless the people who are helping her in these hard times. Please touch Janice with your healing hands and make her well again in every way she needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
I am having anxiety attacks one too many these days for the past few weeks and causing me insomnia and unrestful days. this further affects my health to other issues etc. Please pray that these sleep issues will be gone soon as on medication and don't want to be addicted to sleeping pills and...
Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
—Isaiah 40:30-31 (KJV)
Thoughts on...
30 31 kjv thoughts
country: reserved
good timeshardtimes
holy bible new international version
human ability health wisdom
international bible society
unthinkable thrive
young men
zondervan publishing house