
  1. Beranth

    My name is Michelle My family live ...

    My name is Michelle My family live with me Dad and mum and I need prayers for my dad temper to ease and my. Mums to pray and not I’m praying but the pain is getting in my way but I’m still trying. Pray grace for me please I’m going to my gym today. Today is about me so I’m going to enjoy it...
  2. Reborn12345

    Need prayer of agreement for son to ...

    Need prayer of agreement for son to marry, also training is at stand still, preparing for return to go back stronger fitter more flexible, with the Lord and with more praying during training and lifting more weight then have ever done glorifying God with every lift also, open or buy a gym to use...
  3. Reborn12345

    Have a slight mountain interrupting training, need ...

    Have a slight mountain interrupting training, need to find away to keep it going to increase strength, also I haven't got much money to give my son please pray the Lord bless my son with a great amount of money to bless others and for his future also, I would like to have no debts and own a gym...
  4. Reborn12345

    Thank you for your prayers, praise the ...

    Thank you for your prayers, praise the Lord, as it seems every time training at the gym my knees feel great and joints, however when I go to work it seems I get a knee problem, then when training it goes away, and your prayers to help it go away, am needing prayers joints and organs to be safe...
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