
  1. A C / A O

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and ...

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and there families. May we all be guided by the Holy Spirit and do Gods will in are life’s . Jesus bless all broken families and give them strength to endure, protect us from all evil, keep us healthy. In Jesus almighty name we pray.
  2. A C / A O

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and ...

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and there families. May we all be guided by the Holy Spirit and do Gods will in are life’s . Jesus bless all broken families and give them strength to endure, protect us from all evil. In Jesus almighty name we pray.
  3. A C / A O

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and ...

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and there families. May we all be guided by the Holy Spirit and do Gods will in are life’s . Jesus bless all broken families and give them strength to endure, protect us from all evil. In Jesus almighty name we pray.
  4. A C / A O

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and ...

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and there families. May we all be guided by the Holy Spirit and do Gods will in are life’s . Jesus bless all broken families and give them strength to endure, protect us from all evil. In Jesus almighty name we pray.
  5. A C / A O

    Lord bless this prayer group and there ...

    Lord bless this prayer group and there families. Please lord answer all prayers in your time . Lord keep us healthy and always close to you . Lord bless us All . In Jesus name we pray.
  6. A C / A O

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and ...

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and there families. May we all be guided by the Holy Spirit and do Gods will in are life’s . Jesus bless all broken families and give them strength to endure, protect us from all evil. In Jesus almighty name we pray.
  7. A C / A O

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and ...

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and there families. May we all be guided by the Holy Spirit and do Gods will in are life’s . Jesus bless all broken families and give them strength to endure. In Jesus almighty name we pray .
  8. A C / A O

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and ...

    Please Jesus bless this prayer group and there families. May we all be guided by the Holy Spirit and do Gods will in are life’s . Jesus bless all broken families and give them strength to endure. In Jesus almighty name we pray .
  9. Krushange

    We have a difficult situation in our ...

    We have a difficult situation in our place,some group o people or a community of people ,trasfer to our place that makes us stress everyday.They dont have any consideration to thier neighbors.So provokable even children are wild.They are so noisy people and destroy our fence that serves us our...
  10. A C / A O

    Please lord bless are prayer group and ...

    Please lord bless are prayer group and there family members , here are pleas and answer us when you think it’s right . Lord help my moms situation. Keep peace in are families, heal my wife, kids and marriage,In Jesus name I pray .
  11. A C / A O

    Please lord bless are prayer group and ...

    Please lord bless are prayer group and there family members , here are pleas and answer us when you think it’s right . Lord help my moms situation. Keep peace in are families, heal my wife, kids and marriage,In Jesus name I pray .
  12. A C / A O

    Please lord bless are prayer group and ...

    Please lord bless are prayer group and there family members , here are pleas and answer us when you think it’s right . Lord help my moms situation. Keep peace in are families, In Jesus name we pray .
  13. A C / A O

    Please lord bless are prayer group and ...

    Please lord bless are prayer group and there family members , here are pleas and answer us when you think it’s right . Lord help my moms situation. Keep peace in are families, In Jesus name we pray .
  14. A C / A O

    Please lord bless are prayer group and ...

    Please lord bless are prayer group and there family members , here are pleas and answer us when you think it’s right . Lord help my moms situation. Keep peace in are families, In Jesus name we pray .
  15. A C / A O

    Please lord bless are prayer group and ...

    Please lord bless are prayer group and there family members , here are pleas and answer us when you think it’s right . Lord help my moms situation. Keep peace in are families, In Jesus name we pray .
  16. A C / A O

    Please lord bless are prayer group and ...

    Please lord bless are prayer group and there family members , here are pleas and answer us when you think it’s right . Lord help my mom and dads situation. In Jesus name we pray .
  17. Herloch

    Please pray I find 3 or 4 ...

    Please pray I find 3 or 4 other mums to start a mum's prayer group in Maldon
  18. Teraspyes

    I am requesting prayers for healing from ...

    I am requesting prayers for healing from anxiety (a severe fear of public performance) This hinders me even from praying in a group or performing in public. So kindly pray for me. This is also affecting my performance in my work place. I am also requesting prayers for protection against demonic...
  19. Anonymous

    I am requesting prayers for healing from ...

    I am requesting prayers for healing from anxiety (a severe fear of public performance) This hinders me even from praying in a group or performing in public. So kindly pray for me. This is also affecting my performance in my work place. I am also requesting prayers for protection against demonic...
  20. A C / A O

    Jesus bless this prayer group and all ...

    Jesus bless this prayer group and all family members, May you please listen to all intentions and answer them in your time lord . Please bless all broken families and bring healing to them . In Jesus name we pray .
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