God Bless Everyone I have 2 items for sale on offer up. Please let them sell so I have $ for groceries. Please let me get a virtual gs 13 position soon. Due to cost of food and gas where I live I can’t afford to go to the clinic everyday. 🙏 🙏 🙏
God Bless Everyone I have 2 items for sale on offer up. Please let them sell so I have $ for groceries. Please let me get a virtual gs 13 position soon. Due to cost of food and gas where I live I can’t afford to go to the clinic everyday. 🙏 🙏 🙏
God Bless Everyone I have 2 items for sale on offer up. Please let them sell so I have $ for groceries. Please let me get a virtual gs 13 position soon. Due to cost of food and gas where I live I can’t afford to go to the clinic everyday. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Lord, let my host at the seacoast destination be very nice and helpful for me. (summer hollydays vacation)
I need help in bying groceries for my gastric diet and his info about shops and his help with a car/transportation.
Let him offer me all the help i need in Jesus name.
Nice joyful helpful...
Please pray for a financial blessing, especially today so I can pay my rent. I need business to pick up today. I deliver food and groceries and depend greatly on tips. Please pray that I can make what I need by the end of the evening.
Calm down n stop yelling n complaining
Pray she tell me when she doing groceries shopping n she laundry I don't want carrielynn ro be home byself n pray she don't run away
Jesus please help my son stop having nosebleeds, change his diet and be ok at school today. Please also let my husband be able to cash the loan check he received and get us groceries and things we need and not be greedy. Please also let my son's math teacher understand it was an accident about...
Protect me Lord, from my own family, who is keeping me sick. Grant me strength to not eat anything they bring home to eat. They only buy or cook food that is harming my digestive system. Please grant me strength to save and spend wisely, so that I can purchase my own groceries. In Jesus name, I...
Jesus please help my son at school today.. please let his Math teacher be nice and let them all have a redo for the quiz she gave last week. It came right after a test. She is pushing them all too hard. Please let her slow down. Please also let him remember to turn in his History project. Please...
I been using adp wisley for 6 years I been using it to work side jobs n my current job well a long story I got rehire at diversity maintaince but I guess hr deactivated my current adp card that I use I got pay Wednesday from my job n I can't touch any money that I save or anything I am so upset...
Jesus please let my son get ready for bed. I cannot take another late night. Please help me figure out what this pain in my leg is and let it go away. Please let my husband stop being late to work and please get us groceries tomorrow. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son be ok today and do well on his test and not have another nosebleed. Please also let him read the text I sent him to help him. Please let him remember to do everything and stay awake and alert. Please also let my husband not take second job and get the groceries that I...
Prayer request for lady. She had plans to go to church to learn about missions and she was taking groceries into her home cause her son had dental work done and she hurt her leg. She's very worried about driving on her injured knee. Pray her knee heals because she is suppose to go to another...
Jesus please let my son do well at school today on his tests, stay awake, alert and off the internet except for his work. Please let my husband be safe driving and deposit money and get groceries.Please also let the piece of mail I am expecting come and my printer start working again. Thank you...
Jesus please help my husband at work tonight..please let my son do well on his tests today and please let his counselor not take him out of class to meet. Please also let my husband put money in my account and get the groceries we need and also please let me figure out this mess with my...
Jesus please let my husband's job be going ok and him feel well. Please let him be able to find groceries at the store. Please let my son study. Please let his teacher stop being so mean and just answer his questions and no retaliation for me emailing him. Please also help me feel less...