Can you please pray for the Bible translation ministry's requests: 1. that all the grant applications do not get stopped due to bureaucratic hurdles and that decision makers give green light and pay 2. that the new volunteer contact makes phone-calls to foundations which don't have web presence...
Can you please pray for volunteer to do work filling out the Grant application for the Bible Translation ministry ? My time is completely booked in making the prerequisites happen for fundraising. I have found the US fiscal sponsor, I contacted the foundation and they gave me a green light to...
Too many people driving on highways full of traffic and delays. If you encountered too many lost souls while driving to work then it is time to pray for them and ask Jesus to save their souls because their behavior shows that they are living so far away from Jesus. Safe on the arms of Jesus...
I just received the green light from the German church in Crete to come for coffee after tomorrow’s service and share the support request for Roma Bible Translation support. Can you please pray that God sends His fire on this sacrifice ? That I am accepted ?