great am

  1. seema dias

    Pray for my daughter Sarah's visa and Husband's commitments and new business favors

    Please pray for my Daughter as we have applied for her visa to go to Texas to study but some how she got her date next year for her interview but her semester starts in August this year so kindly pray for her that when we apply again she gets her date and approval for her to go and study and...
  2. Articles

    Today's Verse - Galatians 6:7-8 (KJV)

    Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. —Galatians 6:7-8 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... Isn't...
  3. Sloremia

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus, Can ...

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus, Can You pray for my Beloved Son..He was suddenly rushed to hospital with pains in his stomach..The doctors found , he had changes in his liver...They sent him home, telling him to taking some tests of his own...Now he is anxious, not knowing whats wrong in his...
  4. Morgebyn

    I pray that all blessings stolen by ...

    I pray that all blessings stolen by the evil one will return to you 7 fold in Jesus' name. I pray your love for oneanother will strenghten. I pray your finances will increase so vastly you could help more poor people and orphans. I pray God will make a way for you to buy a new, bigger and better...
  5. Wylandadh

    please pray Jesus comes back and is my anchor in the storm

    Please please pray Jesus comes back I feel so alone and so wicked, I know I'm going to hell if I don't give up smoking and stop these evil demonic voices of schitzophrenia and my own evil mind but I can't even cry my heart is so cold Im dead inside. song - the anchor crowder For anyone...
  6. Wylandadh

    Please pray Jesus comes back in my heart and is the anchor in the storm. dont know how im gonna get through another long night without His presence

    Please please pray Jesus comes back I feel so alone and so wicked, I know I'm going to hell if I don't give up smoking and stop these evil demonic voices of schitzophrenia and my own evil mind but I can't even cry my heart is so cold Im dead inside. song - the anchor crowder For anyone...
  7. Kat@3

    Answered Prayers

    Father God I thank you for another day filled with your grace and mercy. Thank you for watching over us and keeping us Lord thank you for being All that we need and more. Thank you for your signs and wonders today along with your healing power and blessings along with your word. Father thank you...
  8. Mr_Peters

    Heavenly Please destroy my enemies plans and ...

    Heavenly Please destroy my enemies plans and intercede with your divine miraculous intervention. Lord please plead my petition on behalf of my family not even me. They are all that matter to me dear God. In Jesus mighty name Amen! Thank you Heavenly for all that you have done for me and continue...
  9. Kolodioth


    Dear Lord, I am so thankful I can be secure in knowing you relentlessly pursue those your children when they get lost or struggle with believing in you. I know you are pursuing A + M, + I am thankful that prayer makes a big difference. You've given us all the tools we need to fight demonic...
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