Sir, My prayer request is for my grandson. He was baptized three or four years ago and he accepted Christ as his Savior, but I don’t think he really knew what it was all about. He has since became real rebellious and started using and selling drugs. He completely stopped going to church. He said...
prayers with me for grandson to be at his uncles today to repay him for money he got from him before he did all the work prayers he will show up at 10 or before to do more work
prayers with me for all things going in this world and for grandson and his family to be able to keep working job instead of hopping from one to another praying he realize one has to keep job like or not .
Thank you Father for waking me up this morning and all the blessings you have bestowed on me. I ask for prayer for my family and especially my grandson and his family who are going through difficulties . Please continue to heal my body and bless me financially to receive the money I need to keep...
Thank you God for my blessings. Thank you for listening to my prayers and although not all of them are answered, I am sure there is good reason. I pray for my anxiety to go away or for me to learn how to manage it. I pray for a covid vaccine. Please help me overcome my negative thinking...
Please say a prayer for my grandson, he will be going back to his dads for the week tomorrow, and doesn’t really want to go. His dad seems to think he is supposed to be an adult, and talks really bad to him. His self esteem is already starting to be low, at such a young age. Please just keep him...
My grandson is very lazy to his routine work and very lazy to learn also. My daughter is worried about him and she is not keeping well.please pray for both of them.
prayers with me for me and my grandson and family when we go to do the moving transactions and praying for them to get it moved all ok with no issues God Bless all prayers for them and all else that is in need of prayers
pray that all will go smooth with a u haul transaction in the morning pray the people will be pleasant and helpful and wont make us rent 3 days when only need 2 and if grandson gets help could do in one day but so many peoples comments on the u haul post is negative pray we all get nice helpful...
please pray for my grandson he is 3yrs old n has been having tantrums n my daughter does not want us to see him. I thank you for always praying for me. I am so grateful I have somewhere to go to to ask for prayer without being judged. also please keep myself in prayer as vitiligo increasing.
prayers for grandson he was out of work for two weeks and now people are talking about him saying things not true to his boss pray that these people will stop bad mouthing him to his boss he is young and trying to keep job for him self and his family sad that others are trying to take his job...
I need some prayers for my grandson his is a week old and is very sick he is in the hospital for a infection can you please pray for him that evening will be ok and that he will be healthy
prayers with me for grandson to be able to keep his job he has meeting at 10 pray they will keep him on the job and he will accept it it all about this virus issues pray all goes ok and he has job God Bless prayers with us for him
pray grandson still has a job he had temp and was out for 14 days they told him to come back monday pray they keep him on the job please thanks for prayers for all that are loosing there jobs and homes due to this virus God Bless prayers