my grandma lost her husband a few years ago, a family friend recently lost his wife after a long struggle with cancer, and another friend had a traumatic miscarriage of twins
we need the Holy Spirit
thank you
urgent my grandmna is reaay sick. Schnceider VIlmosné needs healing by the Lord Jesus Christ. Her blood pressure and her heart and bowels and neurdegenerative disease and deformed body need healign her eyes too.. . pelase pray for her that the Lord Jesus Christ heals her thank you
Dear heavenly Father God. I pray that Mom and Grandma and the rest of the family will not come back alive. from the dead for no reason and I pray that the dream that I have on November 30th 2021 till December 1st 2021 about Mom and them family being back alive from the dead and me saying you...
Am tired of crying, tired of suffering, very tired. My business collapsed, have debts. The only person I have in my life is my grandma she is sick and am financially down I can't help her like I used too. We sleep on empty stomach. God will work it out its always in my head but I have prayed and...
PLEASE pray for my grandma who got in a horrible accident and has a broken pelvis and fractured neck pray for my mom who is terrified and leaving to go see her pray for the doctors that she will be ok and that she will have comfort and healing
EMERGENCy prayer request for my grandma . i feel on her chest with my shoulder while cleanign her neck i slipped and right wher eher heart is i fell hard. Please pray i did not damage her.. she is very fragile with a deofrmed body Please pray Gpd is merciful to me and brings healign to her. I...
emergency prayer request: PLEASE I BEG YOU PRAY FO RMY GRANDMA SHE HAS VERY HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE WITH SYNDROME That is EXTREMELY HARD TO HANDLE: SHE CANNOT Eat or dirnk much becuas her bopd yis deofrmed and cannot get wast eout at all. no one except me understands. Lord Jesus Christ give my mom...
havent had a good day in years. not sur eif its possible but God make it a good day.. hela my grandma who is very ill. please stop the fighitng between my mom and me. please hela my diabetes kidney malfunciton and eyes. Pleas ehal my mom . pelas eheal my dad an dbrother and for their salvation...
URGENt my grandma has fluid build upp and highblood pressure she canot get wast oeut properly. she needs a miracle. Lord Jesus Chris ti beg you for Your help and dleiverancePLEas ei beg oyu Lord Pleas eitnerveene wiht oyur hOly spirit and dleiver her form all abdominal pressure and pain. Please...
urgent my grandma has high blood pressure please pray God helps her eliminate waste and heals her body so hee blood pressure is better thank you for prying
Jesus please let my son cooperate and let everything go ok for today/tonight and the weather clear up, and my husband drive safely and he and my son be careful going to visit his grandmom and thank you for break. Also thank you for my appt being done over the phone instead of in person Please...
please pray f r my grandma who is very ill she has limited nutrition and im dont know what tod o..God please give her more food. please heal her. Blood pressure LOrd Jesus Christ please help her.
my grandma is ill having hard time gettign rid of waste please pray she can do this as her bod yis deformed and pleas epray her blood pressure is healed thank you Lord Jesu sChrist. thank you to your prayers. it i s her brithday
URgent my grandm ais Schneinder Vilmosné ill. please pray that the Lord heals her high blood pressure issues now clears her bowels it sher birthda.y she has been bedridden for years. please pray fo rher salvation. Please pray she is very ill. she has a deforme dbody and cannnot get waste out...
urgent my grandmahas blood pressure is very high due to cross syndrome. sh ei sver yweak. pelas epray God heals her deformed body and strgnthens her heart and veins and all her body. Please Lord Jesus Christ have mercy. please pray God heals the cause and heals her in the namoe of the Lord Jesus...