Kindly pray for my grandma. She is in the hospital. I am not able to see her as she is on another country and I can’t go there due to legal issues of me being here in the USA and what I do for a living and the country she lives in. She last came here 5 years ago and due to medical reasons Isn’t...
please Lord God almighty pleas epelas ehela my mothe rand brother of aspergers syndroem hela my grandmas demtia. LORd lal my life wherever i lived with my parents they yelled at me all day every day. i jsut pray no mor eyellign toda.y i hcant handle it anymore. END MY life or stop the yellign at...
i wish i was dead becaus eevery da yis a livgn hel with my mother. im so overworked. Lor dpelase sotp overworkignme ims o weak please hela my grandma. please splease help
pleas peray my grandma is delivered of fluid build up form heart renal disease ( failure). urgently need shelaign of her heart and organs. and bacteria infections and possibel tumor... dshe needs helaign of dementia diabetes and malnutrition. Lord help her to heal her digestive and mechanical...
pleas peray my grandma is delivered of fluid build up form heart renal disease ( failure). urgently need shelaign of her heart and organs. and bacteria infections and possibel tumor... dshe needs helaign of dementia diabetes and malnutrition. Lord help her to heal her digestive and mechanical...
Lord Jeus chirs tplease hela my grandma and myslef form diabetes flesh eating bacteria nd my whoel fmaily and all peope .pelas ehal all peopel of all cancer and flesh eatign bacteria strepteccous. pleas edliever lal people form flehs eatign bacteria. Lord Jeus Chris tplease dleive rmy grandm...
Please Lord heal my grandmas blood pressure and mirculuosy give ger proper healed bowle movements without obstruction deformation . pleas ehal her form stavation dehydration. please bless all food and water. please help her Lord. Please dleiver her form all her bed of illness. pleas ehlp her...
Please Lord heal my grandmas blood pressure and mirculuosy give ger proper healed bowle movements without obstruction deformation . pleas ehal her form stavation dehydration. please bless all food and water. please help her Lord. Please dleiver her form all her bed of illness. pleas ehlp her...
pleas epray fo rmy grandmas urgent healing and my dads too. my grandma needs healign fo her small bowel obstruciton snydorme and demtia and deofrmed body and bloo dpressur eproblemy fluid build upa nd not able to remove waste problems. my dad needs healign fo his heart an dlugns. his asthma and...
urgent my grandma cannto egt wast eout eaisly due to small bwoel sobstruction syndorme an dhas high blood pressure. Pleas epray the Lord dleiver her form al illness and sicness and give her His salvation for His thename of the Lord Jesus CHrist.
pleas epray fo rmy grandmas urgent healing and my dads too. my grandma needs healign fo her small bowel obstruciton snydorme and demtia and deofrmed body and bloo dpressur eproblemy fluid build upa nd not able to remove waste problems. my dad needs healign fo his heart an dlugns. his asthma and...
Lor dpelas ehal my grandmas trapped waste please she has evry high blood pressure PLEase Gode askign for miracl emy mom wont le tme see my grandmas please Lord HEP HELP HELP HELP
very urgent my grandma has small bowel obstruction syndrome and her bowel are stuck in her body due to hernia and prosthetics of hips. she has evry high blood pressur. Please lOrd Jeus christ miraucloulsy give her proper bowel movemnts and heal her deformities please Lord jesus Christ need a...
country: hungary
cross syndrome
good day
high blood pressure
proper bowel movements
small bowel obstruction disorder
small bowel obstruction syndrome
pleas epray fo rmy grnamda who is very ill. rpay tha t physicians appoitns goes wella nd and Gdo is with us,.pelas epray for my whoel fmaiyl suffeirng form illness. pelas elOr dhave mercyheal us.. please PEASE thanky you for oyur prayers