grandma schneider vilmos

  1. Kaghel

    Emergency prayer reques tfor my grandm Schndier ...

    Emergency prayer reques tfor my grandm Schndier Vilmosé who needs permanent deliveranc eof demencia and her wast eis Blocked for soem reaosn either becuas eof kidney stones but also their is husge discharge comign out. she is also ver defremd. Plea sepra yo ra miracle. she cannot pee because...
  2. Kaghel

    Emergency prayer reques tfor my grandm Schndier ...

    Emergency prayer reques tfor my grandm Schndier Vilmosé who needs permanent deliveranc eof demencia and her wast eis Blocked for soem reaosn either becuas eof kidney stones but also their is husge discharge comign out. she is also ver defremd. Plea sepra yo ra miracle. she cannot pee because...
  3. Kaghel

    Emergency prayer reques tfor my grandm Schndier ...

    Emergency prayer reques tfor my grandm Schndier Vilmosé who needs permanent deliveranc eof demencia and her wast eis Blocked for soem reaosn either becuas eof kidney stones but also their is husge discharge comign out. she is also ver defremd. Plea sepra yo ra miracle. she cannot pee because...
  4. Kaghel

    Emergency prayer reques tfor my grandm Schndier ...

    Emergency prayer reques tfor my grandm Schndier Vilmosé who needs permanent deliveranc eof demencia and her wast eis Blocked for soem reaosn either becuas eof kidney stones but also their is husge discharge comign out. she is also ver defremd. Plea sepra yo ra miracle. she cannot pee because...
  5. Kaghel

    Emergency prayer reques tfor my grandm Schndier ...

    Emergency prayer reques tfor my grandm Schndier Vilmosé who needs permanent deliveranc eof demencia and her wast eis Blocked for soem reaosn either becuas eof kidney stones but also their is husge discharge comign out. she is also ver defremd. Plea sepra yo ra miracle. she cannot pee because...
  6. Kaghel

    Emergency prayer reques tfor my grandm Schndier ...

    Emergency prayer reques tfor my grandm Schndier Vilmosé who needs permanent deliveranc eof demencia and her wast eis Blocked for soem reaosn either becuas eof kidney stones but also their is husge discharge comign out. she is also ver defremd. Plea sepra yo ra miracle. she cannot pee because...
  7. Kaghel

    PLeas e EMERGENCy pray fo rmy grandma ...

    PLeas e EMERGENCy pray fo rmy grandma Schnieder VIlmosné who has Very HIgh Blood pressure who cannot get waste out..need shelaing of heart failure fluid build up very weak.. needs healign ofher brianpelas epray the Lord hela sher nerves dementia and small bowel obstruction syndrome and also...
  8. Kaghel

    PLeas e EMERGENCy pray fo rmy grandma ...

    PLeas e EMERGENCy pray fo rmy grandma Schnieder VIlmosné who has Very HIgh Blood pressure who cannot get waste out..pelas epray the Lord hela sher nerves dementia and small bowel obstruction syndrome and also dleivers her formt he yeas tor bacteria kidney stones all blockages be removed so my...
  9. Kaghel

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless ...

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless oyu forevr please continue to pray for my grandma schneider Vilmosné is VERY VERY weak has avery wealk heart is basically a skeletoon caus ei cant feed her easily due to small bowel obstruciton syndorme and dtrapped waste hernia.. and fluid build...
  10. Kaghel

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless ...

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless oyu forevr please continue to pray for my grandma schneider Vilmosné is VERY VERY weak has avery wealk heart is basically a skeletoon caus ei cant feed her easily due to small bowel obstruciton syndorme and dtrapped waste hernia.. and fluid build...
  11. Kaghel

    Leas e EMERGENCy pray fo rmy grandma ...

    Leas e EMERGENCy pray fo rmy grandma Schnieder VIlmosné who has Very HIgh Blood pressure who cannot get waste out..pelas epray the Lord hela sher nerves dementia and small bowel obstruction syndrome and also dleivers her formt he yeas tor bacteria kidney stones all blockages be removed so my...
  12. Kaghel

    PLeas e EMERGENCy pray fo rmy grandma ...

    PLeas e EMERGENCy pray fo rmy grandma Schnieder VIlmosné who has Very HIgh Blood pressure who cannot get waste out..pelas epray the Lord hela sher nerves dementia and small bowel obstruction syndrome and also dleivers her formt he yeas tor bacteria kidney stones all blockages be removed so my...
  13. Kaghel

    PLeas e EMERGENCy pray fo rmy grandma ...

    PLeas e EMERGENCy pray fo rmy grandma Schnieder VIlmosné who has Very HIgh Blood pressure who cannot get waste out..pelas epray the Lord hela sher nerves dementia and small bowel obstruction syndrome and also dleivers her formt he yeas tor bacteria kidney stones all blockages be removed so my...
  14. Kaghel

    PLeas e EMERGENCy pray fo rmy grandma ...

    PLeas e EMERGENCy pray fo rmy grandma Schnieder VIlmosné who has Very HIgh Blood pressure who cannot get waste out..pelas epray the Lord hela sher nerves dementia and small bowel obstruction syndrome and also dleivers her formt he yeas tor bacteria kidney stones all blockages be removed so my...
  15. Kaghel

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless ...

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless oyu forevr please continue to pray for my grandma schneider Vilmosné is VERY VERY weak has avery wealk heart is basically a skeletoon caus ei cant feed her easily due to small bowel obstruciton syndorme and dtrapped waste hernia.. and fluid build...
  16. Kaghel

    please pray for my grandma Schneider Vilmosné ...

    please pray for my grandma Schneider Vilmosné who need helaign in her heart form weak heart please urgent and need shelaign of her body. needs healing an deliverance from and demons, from dementia from diabetes insipidus, from small bowel obstruction syndrome and healing form seizures an blood...
  17. Kaghel

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless ...

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless oyu forevr please continue to pray for my grandma schneider Vilmosné is VERY VERY weak has avery wealk heart is basically a skeletoon caus ei cant feed her easily due to small bowel obstruciton syndorme and dtrapped waste hernia.. and fluid build...
  18. Kaghel

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless ...

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless oyu forevr please continue to pray for my grandma schneider Vilmosné is VERY VERY weak has avery wealk heart is basically a skeletoon caus ei cant feed her easily due to small bowel obstruciton syndorme and dtrapped waste hernia.. and fluid build...
  19. Kaghel

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless ...

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless oyu forevr please continue to pray for my grandma schneider Vilmosné is VERY VERY weak has avery wealk heart is basically a skeletoon caus ei cant feed her easily due to small bowel obstruciton syndorme and dtrapped waste hernia.. and fluid build...
  20. Kaghel

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless ...

    URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless oyu forevr please continue to pray for my grandma schneider Vilmosné is VERY VERY weak has avery wealk heart is basically a skeletoon caus ei cant feed her easily due to small bowel obstruciton syndorme and dtrapped waste hernia.. and fluid build...
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