My Grandma might die soon, please pray that she will be saved and go to heaven. please pray that a Preacher or Missionary or Evangelist or Christian preaches the gospel to Her.
Halleluia pastor Alph lukau, iam in Kenya and there's alot of stagnation in my life, whatever I plan never work and I need breakthrough in my life, now iam planning to sing Gospel but I don't have anything but I want God to open doors and a new job in the next month. Thank u papa
Lord Jesus, may we see the spiritual warfare going on as we preach the gospel of the kingdom, and may we be one with You to be filled within and clothed without with the Spirit! Hallelujah, we preach the gospel of the kingdom not only to save people but to bring in the kingdom of God! Praise the...
O Emmanuel is always around us as I mature into adulthood. Lead me to the eternal salvation of Your Love to be a loyal servant to follow the path of obedience. To spread the gospel and encourage others to follow, experience the joy in your love as brothers of Jesus, as I encounter lost souls...
Brothers and Sisters pray with me!
Heavenly Father, our God of mercy, we thank you for this prayer site and for another day to share Your Gospel. We stand together and we pray for all the members on this forum, along with our families and loved ones. We ask for Your forgiveness and that we...
I want you to pray for my village ministry. I am organizing Muslims children and sharing with them bible stories. Pray that God wil allow the parents to let they children listen the gospel and not persecute them.
Hello guys, I come to ask you guys if you can please pray for me that the Lord gives me courage, motivation and love to share the gospel with my classmate. I also ask you guys to pray that the Lord prepares his life to hear it and rebukes demonic forces intervening. Thank you♥️
Hello guys, today I ask you guys if you can please pray for me and my wife , that the Lord heals us through the hardship We are going through and that he gives us power through the Holy Spirit to overcome it and be the way He wants us to be. I also ask if you guys can please pray if it’s the...
Hello guys, today I ask you guys if you can please pray for me that the Lord heals me through the hardship I’m going and that he gives me power through the Holy Spirit to overcome it and be the way He wants me to be. I also ask if you guys can please pray if it’s the Lord’s will for me to share...
Greetings my Brothers and my Sisters! Heavenly Father, our God of mercy, we thank you for this prayer site and for another day to share Your Gospel and to share Your word. We stand together and we pray for all the members on this forum, along with our families and loved ones. We ask for Your...
Please pray for my family I am in need of a new place I normally get up every single day at 3 or 4am to cook and start my day I would put my gospel on and then pray so yesterday I decided to sit in front in my living room and just cool off and I started to talk to God quietly I live where they...
Greetings my Brothers and my Sisters!
Heavenly Father, our God of mercy, we thank you for this prayer site and for another day to share Your Gospel and to share Your word. We stand together and we pray for all the members on this forum, along with our families and loved ones. We ask for Your...
Because of my mistakes they robbed me and my family wants to help me with my nephew Ricardo who is a lawyer who is very dear to me but there is a spiritual shock, he says he is Gay, that life has left him like a wounded Jabali. He has turned tough and is about to turn wicked, he is suffering a...
Father keep me safe as I sleep, or try to I put on the full armor of Christ while doing so. The shoes of the gospel to protect my feet, the helmet of salvation to protect my head and ears, the Breastplate of righteousness to protect my heart and other organs, the belt of truth to protect against...
Someone very dear to me. My nephew Ricardo says that he is Gay, that life has left him like a wounded Boar. He has turned tough and is about to turn wicked, he is suffering a lot. When he was 10 years old I shared the gospel with him and he wanted to go to church but his father would not let...
Greetings my Brothers and my Sisters!
Heavenly Father, our God of mercy, we thank you for this prayer site and for another day to share Your Gospel and to share Your word. We stand together and we pray for all the members on this forum, along with our families and loved ones. We ask for Your...
Greetings my Brothers and my Sisters!
Heavenly Father, our God of mercy, we thank you for this prayer site and for another day to share Your Gospel and to share Your word. We stand together and we pray for all the members on this forum, along with our families and loved ones. We ask for Your...
In some Central Asian countries, it's illegal to share the gospel with children under 18. Alyana has been secretly going to a house church for two years. "Recently my mother found out about the church, that I sing, read the Bible, pray and meet other young believers. She forbade me to leave on...
Greetings my Brothers and my Sisters!
Heavenly Father, our God of mercy, we thank you for this prayer site and for another day to share Your Gospel and to share Your word. We stand together and we pray for all the members on this forum, along with our families and loved ones. We ask for Your...
Greetings my Brothers and my Sisters!
Heavenly Father, our God of mercy, we thank you for this prayer site and for another day to share Your Gospel and to share Your word. We stand together and we pray for all the members on this forum, along with our families and loved ones. We ask for Your...