good morning father

  1. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God I come to ...

    Good morning Father God I come to You with a mouth heart mind body life and soul full Praise Worship and Thanksgiving! In Jesus name! Father God I hope and pray that You have a wonderful blessed day and week full Honor Praise Worship and Thanksgiving from all Your children's Gratefulness! For...
  2. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God I lift up ...

    Good morning Father God I lift up to You all Honor Praise Worship and Thanksgiving for all things! In Jesus name AMEN πŸ™Œ Father I hope and pray You have a wonderful blessed day and week full of joy Honor Praise Worship peace and Thanksgiving from all Your children's gratefulness! For thine is the...
  3. darian

    Good morning Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. ...

    Good morning Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Greater than he that are in us all. Warriors please pray for me. I am convince their is an infection in my body going undetected causing me to have bad breath and colon motility. Pray with me the cause of my concerned are found and treatment...
  4. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God! Hope and pray ...

    Good morning Father God! Hope and pray You have wonderful blessed day and week full of thanksgiving from all Your children's Gratefulness in Jesus name πŸ™Œ For thine is the Kingdom Power and Glory forever and ever! AMEN πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
  5. Doranilon

    Good morning Father, good morning Son, good ...

    Good morning Father, good morning Son, good morning Holy Spirit. Thank you for the life, family, my husband, my children, my job, my elevation, my academics# my car, for the food I eat, for provision, for protection, for your strength, favour, love and grace... I don't take it for granted Lord...
  6. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God I lift up ...

    Good morning Father God I lift up to You all Honor Praise Worship and Thanksgiving for all things for You Father are Worthy of all Glory! In Jesus name! Father I lift up to You all our Prayers and needs and wants! In Jesus name! Bless us Be God on earth as in Heaven! Father God I hope and Pray...
  7. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God I come to ...

    Good morning Father God I come to Your thrown of mercy with all glory praise honor and thanksgiving! In Jesus name for all things! For thine is the Kingdom Power and Glory forever and ever! AMEN πŸ™Œ Father God in Jesus name Your will be done bless us b God on earth as in Heaven for we are Your...
  8. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God I come to ...

    Good morning Father God I come to Your thrown of mercy with all glory praise honor and thanksgiving! In Jesus name for all things! For thine is the Kingdom Power and Glory forever and ever! AMEN πŸ™Œ Father God in Jesus name Your will be done bless us b God on earth as in Heaven for we are Your...
  9. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God πŸ™Œ!πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ Father God ...

    Good morning Father God πŸ™Œ!πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ Father God I come to You in Jesus name with all honor praise worship and thanksgiving for all things! For You are worthy of all Glory πŸ™Œ For thine is the Kingdom Power and Glory forever and ever! AMEN πŸ™Œ Father God at Your thrown of mercy I surrender all and lift up...
  10. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God I come to ...

    Good morning Father God I come to Your thrown of mercy! In Jesus name with honor praise worship glory and Thanksgiving for all things! Father I lift up to You all our needs and wants in Jesus name Father break the chains that bind us and keeps us from Your best on earth as in Heaven! Bless us Be...
  11. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God! Thank Father God ...

    Good morning Father God! Thank Father God for all Your Favor blessings goodness and grace! In Jesus name! Father God I hope and pray that You have a wonderful blessed day and week from all Your children's thanksgiving for all things! In Jesus name! For thine is the Kingdom Power and Glory...
  12. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God I come to ...

    Good morning Father God I come to You with all honor praise worship and thanksgiving for Your amazing saving grace through Your only begotten Son! Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ Father let not my will or I will be done but let Yours be done for us all in Jesus name! Bless us be God or Father...
  13. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God! Father I hope ...

    Good morning Father God! Father I hope and pray that You have a wonderful blessed day and week full of joy peace love honor glory and Thanksgiving from all Your children's gratefulness! In Jesus name! For thine is the Kingdom Power and glory forever and ever! AMEN! Bless us Be God for we are the...
  14. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God! Father I hope ...

    Good morning Father God! Father I hope and pray that You have a wonderful blessed day and week full of joy peace love honor glory and Thanksgiving from all Your children's gratefulness! In Jesus name! For thine is the Kingdom Power and glory forever and ever! AMEN! Bless us Be God for we are the...
  15. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God I come to ...

    Good morning Father God I come to Your thrown of mercy and grace in Jesus name! Father God lifting up to You all glory honor praise worship and thanksgiving for all things in Jesus name! Father I lift up to You all our needs and wants in Jesus name Bless us be God for we are Your children we are...
  16. darian

    Good Morning. Father and warriors I am ...

    Good Morning. Father and warriors I am under attack. My gut is sluggish causing a foul odor and breath. Ear are ringing with pressure and fluid. My roof damage due the winter storm. Unable to walk without assistance due back and hip pain. Please pray for my recovery and insurance approved and...
  17. Morpaur

    Good Morning father God and members of ...

    Good Morning father God and members of this groupπŸ™πŸΎ. Thank you god for every blessing in my life and helping me through my daily struggles and through all my years of life. I'm thankful for all the prayers sent by those who I know and don't know from home and all over the world. I thank everyone...
  18. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God I come to ...

    Good morning Father God I come to Your thrown of mercy and grace on bended knees! In Jesus name! Father I lift up to You all glory honor praise worship and thanksgiving for all things! For You alone Father are worthy of all! Father I hope and pray that You have a wonderful blessed day and week...
  19. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God I come to ...

    Good morning Father God I come to Your thrown of mercy! Giving You Father God who is worthy of all glory and Thanksgiving for all things! In Jesus name! Break the chains that bind us and keeps us from Your best on earth as in Heaven! For thine Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as in Heaven...
  20. RICHARD22

    Good morning Father God I hope You ...

    Good morning Father God I hope You have a wonderful blessed day and week full of praise honor glory and Thanksgiving from all Your children's gratefulness! In Jesus name! Father God in Jesus name I lift up to You all our needs and wants! Bless us be God our Father for thine is the Kingdom Power...
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