good mood

  1. natasha2

    Good mood, joy...encouragement...justice for my brother in prison

    lLet me and my family (mother, brother, father) be in the next 3 days (including today) especially good mood, optimistic, positive, joyful, full of hope and confidence that everrhing will be alright in Jesus name. Lord, encourage my brother who is in prison falsely accused for 5 monts now...
  2. Liana256


    God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son and the Holy Spirit in my life, my childrens life, my brothers and sisters life, and my hellyans life alway. God, Thank you! Jesus, Thank you for all you do for me. Jesus, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem alway. God, I pray for...
  3. natasha2

    No fever, no virus, easy, optimistic day

    If there is fever let it be removed in Jesus name. No virus. No bad symptoms. Easy going through the day. Positivity optimism joy good mood
  4. natasha2

    Lord, take care of my brother in prison!!!!

    Lord, i am so concerned about my brother. He is in prison custody falsely accused for a heavy crime. Rape and physical abuse. He has no.criminal record. And this woman is very rich and using drugs. Has lied to him about her education, i supppse about many other things. Lord the food im a prison...
  5. Flamiril

    Please pray for my meeting with Jason. ...

    Please pray for my meeting with Jason. Please I pray everything works out next week. Please guide me and direct my steps to do the right thing. I pray he’s in a good mood and that everything works out. Give me the strength and courage to do the right thing regarding him.
  6. natasha2

    Joy, good mood

    Joy, happyness, optimism, positivity, good mood.
  7. natasha2

    Positivity, good mood, joy

    Positivity, optimism, joy, good mood for me and my family (mother, father, brother).
  8. natasha2

    Joyful and happy

    Me joyful and happy. Optimistic and positive. In a good mood. This whole week.
  9. natasha2

    My mother and family - joy, optimism

    My motherand my whole family optimistic in the good mood, joyful, full of faith, healthy, strong. My mother sobber mind and being able to sleep good. Not extreemely worried Concerning my brother in prison falsely accused.
  10. Rhenkelis

    Pray that I get into a good ...

    Pray that I get into a good mood as I'm angry and in a bad mood
  11. Carols

    Nephew Edmund is having mood Swing. Very ...

    Nephew Edmund is having mood Swing. Very angry mood. He's travelling with his parents in train now. After having his medicine he's getting Angry. He's doens't wanto eat his medicine. Dislike it's taste. Pls pray for him anyhow. For his good mood. To reach safely. In Jesus name. They're on train...
  12. natasha2

    My mother waking up at night crying

    Lord, Jesus, please comfort my mother so that she will not wake up in the night worried and cry herself out. My brother is in prison falsely accused for raping her ex girlfriend. We cannot visit him, only talk to him on the phone. It has been 30 day since he is arrested (he has only 30 min a...
  13. natasha2

    No negative thoughts, feelings, joy....

    Total cleansing of all negative thoughts and feelings in Jesus name by the power of the BLOOD OF JESUS. ONly positivity, joy, optimism, faith, good mood, hope, good visions for my life in Jesus name. No negative or fatalistic thoughts or visions. Let me seemyself and my future life like God...
  14. natasha2

    What to eat guidance...good sleep toniight

    Guidance what to eat today to have good mood and good diggestion. No problems with gastritis. Lord, give me tonight good sweet sleep, i dont sleep very well for 2 nights.
  15. natasha2

    Good mood, joy, no depression

    Please pray for me to be in the good mood and joyful. I am kind in depression, dissappointed in men and in my family. Like nobody hears me.
  16. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son be ok ...

    Jesus please let my son be ok at school and be in a good mood when he comes home and study and eat well. Please also let him understand how frustrated I get and stressed and help me deal with it. Please also help me figure out a dilemma. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  17. natasha2

    I am relaxed, full of faith, prayer

    I am totaly relaxed. I am totaly peaceful. I have faith. I have mountain moving faith. I have complete confidence in God that He will do whatever i ask Him to do, even think of something. I have positive thoughts. I am optimistic, joyful, in a good mood. I have the mind of Christ. AMEN.
  18. natasha2

    Health, strength, faith, joy, optimism

    Supernatural health, strength, faith, joy, positivity, optimism, good mood for me today.
  19. Jaynes1234


    God, Thank you for this day. Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life alway, my children’s life alway, and my brothers and sisters life alway. Thank you for being with me alway. I am thankful for you and all in my life. Thank you, God. I love thee verily much. I pray for...
  20. natasha2

    My father, prostate gland, growth

    My father (84) - growth on prostate gland, it is clogged and swallen). Please pray that it will not be anything malign. (tumor, cancer...) - medical tests Pray for everything around prostate will be healed. Anything that is not of God in and on his body removed by the blood of Jesus. Please pray...
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