God of wounders without number show me mercy an settled me marritally in Jesus name amen, help me to graduate in school with good grads in Jesus name amen. Lastly bless me with miracle money by fire amen
Pass my Clinical Chemistry 2 subject
Pass my Hematology 1 subject
Pass my Immunoserology subject
Pass my Histopathology subject
Pass all my subjects this semester
Be qualified on internship program next school year
Pass my long quiz tomorrow
Have a good grades this semester
clinical chemistry 2 subject
country: philippines
final examinations
histopathology subject
immunoserology subject
internship program
long quiz
research study
successful defense
- Pass my Clinical Chemistry 2 subject - Pass my Hematology 1 subject - Pass my Immunoserology subject - Pass my Histopathology subject - Pass all my subjects this semester - Be qualified on internship program next school year - Pass my long quiz tomorrow - Have a good grades this semester -...
clinical chemistry 2 subject
country: philippines
final examinations
histopathology subject
immunoserology subject
internship program
long quiz
research study
successful defense
Hello, i actually want to thank you all who really prated for my exam result .. by the grace of God and your prayers i passed my exam with good grades.. thank you so so much..God is really Great and he helps us to get through tough times we just have to open up to him and he will take care of it...
Healing of diabetes high cholesterol arthritis asthma and more and help to rest well and save close family help my kids and grandkids to pass their tests with good grades please.
Please pray for my son George.He has dyslexia and difficulties at school.He will give exams.Pray that teachers understand and give him good grades so he passes the class.Thank you with all my heart.
Believe I’m Getting restless leg syn So painful in my sleep and restore us lord Health finances homes and cars All the enemy stole from us and hair fall sickness and diseases Cancel it all out and Bless us and L.o. with good Grades and success in school and sports and with her job, deliver us...
Please bring God fearing people by our side soon and Godly companions for loved ones a good Loving spouse that Will stay and be committed to them for life my Lord and Bless our weekend and direct it and have Your will and way in Everything and close to get Good grades and pass with flying colors...
Last night , my first semester exam result was published . I passed in all subjects with Good Grades . I Thank to our Lord Jesus Christ for his care for me and I thank all of you prayed for me. I can 100% assurely say that , I passed exams , only by the support of prayer. I have no role in it ...
Hi Hello my name is Sophia Karukuru am 19yrs old from Papua New Guinea. Please pray for me , I have problems with my education. I used to find difficulty in understanding and learning in class, especially doing calculations in maths and science. I'll be doing my 11th grade this year, please...
Please pray for me as I go back to school. May the lord give me strength and motivation to get through my classes and I hope I can get good grades. Please also pray that I find a good job that will help me take care of my family and be flexible with my school schedule.
I pray God touches someone's heart to support me. I completed my Senior High education 2021 with good grades which got me admission to the university but because of financial reasons I had let go of my admission. I had to work to save some money to continue my education but unfortunately for me...
Am asking for God's protection for myself as father, lovely wife and my four children ( Comfort Nketia, Obed Marfo, Daniella Marfo and Elliot Marfo). God should protect us all evil doing. God will guide and heal us all illness. Expercially my children God should give them good thinking to learn...
1: God please I want to graduate from the university this year and with good grades
2: I’m praying for a stable relationship
3:I’m praying for good job after school this year
4:I’m praying for all round miracles
5:God please heal my father of Postrate cancer,Waist pain,Diabetes and...
country: nigeria
diabetes eye problem
goodgradesgood job
good wife
prostate cancer waist pain diabetes
round miracles
stable relationship
Emmanuel! My names are Haikha Divine Mkanyika i am 15 years old. I am turning 16 this year on the 13th . I really hope I'll make it to thev13 of April. I am sitting my final secondary school exams this year and i please ask you help pray for me to get good grades this year. Let me get an A...
May all of my kids do great on their finals and pass all of their classes with good grades. May Emily become miraculously healed. May her headache go away. May she breathe well. May she regain her appetite. In your name Jesus Christ, we pray.