I am a teenage girl just starting high school. I’m in a new state, new school(s), and it’s very weird and stressful. I don’t fit in well and don’t have many close, genuine friends despite my efforts to find good friends. I was sexually harassed by a guy at the beginning of the year and am really...
I have 2 people in my life who I used to be really close with and they were a couple until this summer, they've always been good friends to me but recently I've realised how anxious/ stressed I get at the thought of hanging out with them/ speaking to one of them on the phone (I get anxious about...
I pray Lord watch over my daughter, guide her the right way protector, that no evil harm come to her let her do well in school and make a choice in life be around good friends let her know she’s loved by the Lord and the child of the Lord she goes out to make a normal, happy, healthy young woman...
Prayers for my father, my brothers and family! Pray God to send angels to watch over them daily. To restore their health and keep them strong. Also unspoken prayer needs. Prayers for some good friends and a desirable spouse for me. I have financial needs also. I have had an issue with low self...
country: unknown
desirable spouse
financial needs
long time
low self esteem
real people
several things
significant depression
unspoken needs
Dear God please bless me with a sense, dream or vision of where you want me to live, work and meet a husband and good friends. Help me cultivate good friendships and a peaceful, joyful life I love serving you. In Jesus name Amen
Make me fit, friendly & submissive to the right christian man! Praise God I have figured out my food allergies & feel better! Help me cultivate good friends & meet a man to share life experiences & serve God together! Help me know where to live and work & serve God today. His yoke is light! Help...
I pray lord to watch over my daughter Skyla guide her the right way protector let no evil harm come to her. Let her do well in school and make a choices in life. Let her know she’s loved by the Lord have a walk down the right path and hold her hand every step of the way Lord let her make good...
Prayers for these needs: health and restoration of health for each family member. special consideration regarding our father. long, happy, healthy, prosperous lives.. restore faith and hope to each of us. I have needs financially, job/career, hopes & dreams. payers regarding procrastination...
country: unknown
current situation
depression anxiety sadness
great job
happy healthy prosperous lives
job career hopes
procrastination avoidance
right person people
special consideration
Need lots and lots of prayer. My sister in law is having a baby in a few weeks. My mom is having surgery tomorrow. Please pray for everyone in the family for health, strength and protection. My dad was in the hospital today. Also I have been thinking about my past relationship with my boyfriend...
Prayers for these needs: health and restoration of health for each family member. special consideration regarding our father. long, happy, healthy, prosperous lives.. restore faith and hope to each of us. I have needs financially, job/career, hopes & dreams. payers regarding procrastination...
career hopes
country: unknown
depression anxiety sadness
happy healthy prosperous lives
home automobile
motivation drive determination
procrastination avoidance
right person people
special consideration
Prayers for Godly friends! I start a bible study event for the next three weeks at my church! Prayers for success in making some good friends! In Jesus name!
My lord I'm in a helpless situation. My roommate is taking advantage of me monetary wise and labour wise. He buys what all he needs and splits the bill on both our accounts. He makes me do all the hard labour. I cannot talk against him because he will say bad things about me in company. I...
God, please help Amy feel your love and grace and touch her husband and cure any cancer! Let her son recover from addiction completely and find inner peace and new ways to cope! Help him manage his life load! Bless michelle with healing in her hip or joints that hurt and heal her jaw by a...
I'm so grateful for this site, I see God working in my life but I see the devil trying to cause trouble.hes a liar. Please agree with me to bind him in every area of my life. I pray my daughter Sammie will get a excellent job that pays well. also that her and I will be good friends & I wont...
Pray my daughter is blessed and protected ❤️ Make her confident and loved by herself and others. Pray she har good friends that treat her well. Remove all toxic.relatipnships. If it is meant to be that she should live with me, bless her fathers heart to see it and make it happen regardless. Pray...
Help Joan and katie enjoy this time of wedding planning and inviting a new member in the family! Guide our relationships. Release me with peace from any friendships that are not reciprocal and healthy! Send me good friends and a great relationship with a Godly man to marry. I love you Jesus! In...
Lord God I thank you for my dad, family, my sweet dog, my home, job, providing things that I need day to day and your mercy and grace. Lord you know the dynamic within our family. The favortism shown towards my siblings. I turn this over to you. Let the blinders be removed and for them to be...
best friend
country: unknown
health opportunities
healthy happy prosperous lives
home job
old heartaches
right person
sweet dog
trauma wounds
Lord God I thank you for my dad, family, my sweet dog, my home, job, providing things that I need day to day and your mercy and grace. Lord you know the dynamic within our family. The favortism shown towards my siblings. I turn this over to you. Let the blinders be removed and for them to be...
best friend
country: unknown
happiness joy
health opportunities finances
healthy happy prosperous lives
home job
old heartaches trauma wounds
right person
sweet dog
Father God, I asked that I can get a good paying work that will allow me to have more time with you. I ask that this job may have good benefits with insurance policy. I asked for a Christian minded wife and a child of our own. I pray that I may receive a financial breakthrough, and that I may...