Stomach acid normal.
No gastritis.
No bloating.
No boiling.
Soft not hardened stomach.
Normal good diggestion.
No pms or menopause symptoms.
Normal regular cycle (28-30 days).
Regular moderate period. (4-6 days).
Health of...
30 days regular moderate period 4 6 days
c reproductive system health
country: croatia
evil spirits toxins
female organs glands
harmful bacteria fungi
menopause symptoms
menstrual cycle menopause
normal regular cycle
Normal stomach acid.
No diarrhea.
Not one symptom of gastritis in Jesus name.
Good diggestion.
No irritation or nervosity in my stomach or bowel.
No fear or anxiety about unpleasant things going on at my work (one mom sued me at the principle, fear of measures and inspections.
Teeth, dental flesh. (no pain or swelling, removed/healed tooth cysts or tooth abscesses)
Stomach. (no gastritis, normal stomach acid, healed intestines, good diggestion)
My health.
Dental flesh healing.
Teeth healing.
Teeth nerves healing.
No toxins.
No inflammation.
No sensitivity.
No irritation.
No pain.
No swelling (dental flesh, little bit face)
No tooth cysts,
No tooth abscesses.
No pain or irritation from stomach acid as reflexion in my mouth.
No acid...
Good diggestion.
Normal stomach acid.
No jams in my body.
Strength, health, energy.
No negative feelings.
Joy of the Lord.
No heaviness, depression, oppression.
No fear or anxiety.
Purifying, detoxifying my teeth, dental flesh, jaw, ear area and all surrounding tissues from remaining inflammation/abscess of the tooth. No pain, or unease in Jesus name!
Normal stomach acid and good diggestion. No diggestive issues or diarrhea. Amen
Wisdom, instructions in treating teeth...
Normal stomach acid.
No gastritis.
Healed all lines of gastrointestinal system.
Good diggestion.
No stress or any feelings/thoughts that cause stress or gastritis.
Broken generational problems with gastrointestinal system. Amen
Opened sinuses.
Normal stomach acid.
No gastritis.
No boiling in my stomach.
Good diggestion.
No pain in my teeth/dental flesh, jaw, mouth flesh, facial bones, or sinuses In Jesus name.
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
No inflammation or infection anywhere in my body.
No pain in the area between...
1) No nausea.
Maybe PMS, maybe gastritis (acid reflux).
Good diggestion.
2) 28-30 day menstrual cycle, not shorter.
4-6 days length of the period, not longer.
Regular menstrual cycle.
Moderate period, not excessive.
Thank you
3) Everything healthy and...
1) Feeling light and easy in my body
2) Pepp iny stepp
3) Strength, energy
4) Health - whole body
5) Good mood, joy, positivity
6) Good diggestion
7) Normal stomach acid
8) Normal body temperature
9) Normal blood pressure
10 Easy swallowing
11) Healthy throat
12) Protection from Corona and other...
11 healthy throat
country: croatia
gooddigestiongood mood joy positivity
harmful bacteria
normal blood pressure
normal body temperature
normal stomach acid
other viruses
strength energy 4
Please pray for normal body temperature.
Normal stomach acid.
Good diggestion.
No gastritis.
No diarrhea.
No feeling of vomiting or boiling in my stomach.
Normal blood pressure, not high.
Clear excellent eyesight, no blury vision.
Thank you
blurry vision
country: croatia
excellent eyesight
feeling of vomiting
normal body temperature
normal body temperature normal stomach acid gooddigestion
normal stomach acid
stomach normal blood pressure
Please pray for good diggestion. No diahrrea, no to much acid, no acid reflux, no gastritis, healed all lines. No irritation of stomach. Peace of mind and of stomach.Thank you