good care

  1. Prayeveryday

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please ...

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray and ask God to help me to have a great day at work today. Please ask Him to see to it that it's a simple, uneventful day with customers that are not demanding and who are easy to take care of. Please ask God to keep the number of customers down so...
  2. Marte

    Please, Jesus, give me rest and a ...

    Please, Jesus, give me rest and a good night sleep. Let me be prepared for the workday tomorrow! Let me be an instrument of God. That You Lord being peace, love, safety and kindness to the ward. That the patients be tanken good care for. That I can be productive and finish work in due time and...
  3. Chaner

    Thank you God for this wonderful morning, ...

    Thank you God for this wonderful morning, I ask you to continue blessing my family ,my husband and I needs you more Lord, show us the right path, bless everything we do with our hands, give us more love, happiness and wisdom father, I love you Jesus. Let today be a day full if love from above...
  4. Fismambir

    Ineed peace to rein in my marriage ...

    Ineed peace to rein in my marriage and financial break through and God help me to have a baby boy ihave produced only girls help me pliz am fincaially down icant even rise any money to help my siblings at home and take good care of my self pliz God bless you
  5. Anonymous

    pls take good care of Dr. JXE, ...

    pls take good care of Dr. JXE, one of the best professors, brightest nicest people I have ever known. I hope he enjoys the afterlife take care of Dr. JN-he was really great too and I hope he enjoys every second of his early life
  6. Marte

    Pray for knowledge, wisdom and love. For ...

    Pray for knowledge, wisdom and love. For empathy and me taking good care of my patients today. For my bullies being silenced. And for peace and kindness for me and everyone i love and care for. I pray for a quiet evening at the ward. Amen ❤️
  7. Liana256


    God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life, my childrens life, my brothers and sisters life alway. God, Thank you. Jesus, I pray because my co-worker closes the store of business where I work during the middle of the day, and it’s wrong...
  8. Itarirpar

    Dear Lord today I feel the hope ...

    Dear Lord today I feel the hope that one day all this difficulties will end. I just can't explain this feeling inside me. I'm quite positive that I this hope will not change tomorrow when I wake up. Thank you for another day waking up with out any discomfort. But I still continue to pray until I...
  9. Itarirpar

    Thank you God for giving me again ...

    Thank you God for giving me again an opportunity to communicate with my love from across the miles I pray & wish it's every day so that we're not worry about each other or lonely. I still pray for his safety, take good care of him & keep him away from all illnesses,temptations & dangers. Please...
  10. Zhyl

    Continued prayer is needed

    Please pray for a positive outcome for my son Patrick? He is in jail waiting for the court to find room for him to get medication and care at a mental hospital. He is a Veteran and due to his illness has alienated all his former friends. He is very sensitive and needs good care. Please continue...
  11. Hgd

    Heavenly Father thank you for all you ...

    Heavenly Father thank you for all you have blessed us with I pray dear lord for our family please keep everyone safe and healthy I pray for aunt Phyllis please give her peace and comfort I pray to grow closer to the grandkids and family thank you for spending time with Lana. I pray for my...
  12. Marte

    I have taken an extra shift today ...

    I have taken an extra shift today because my dying patient is still alive and there is need for nurses that know her and her family at work during the weekend! Please pray for this ❤️ Bless this day for me, my patients, my family ❤️ Make it a day of love, wisdom, saying the right things to...
  13. Anonymous

    Pls take good care of PT also ...

    Pls take good care of PT also known as PB. She saved my life so many years ago. I pray that she always makes the right decisions, pls guide her towards the right decisions.
  14. Anonymous

    Pls take good care of AR

    Pls take good care of AR
  15. Prayeveryday

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please ...

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me and ask God to heal my body. I don't take good care of myself and as a result I'm suffering now. Please ask God to watch over and protect me. Please ask Him to keep me safe. Please ask God to help me to take better care of myself. I ask...
  16. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Please cause my future landlord Howard to see me THRU YOUR EYE'S TODAY MY ABBA-DADDY-GOD & be soo good & caring & kind to me Jesus In Your Name Amen

    When i meet Howard today may he welcome me fully with Pure Godly Compassion & always take such good care of me as his future new tenant PLEASE HELP ME TO FIND SOO MUCH VERY GREAT FAVOR FROM YOU LORD GOD IN JESUS'S NAME IN HOWARD'S SIGHT DEAR BLESSED HOLY TRINITY Father in Jesus's name i cry...
  17. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    My Evening Prayer

    I cast all of my cares upon You Father Son & Holy Spirit knowing in my heart that you will take good care of me no matter what the outcome of my whole rental situation may turn out I simply ask tonight for a peaceful evening with no nightmares or any bad dreams And may tomorrow be a soo...
  18. Icloudgirl

    Pleass pray

    Update sorry didn't do it sooner ⁰ My mom is home from hospital we had a rough night no sleep my mom say the doctor told her she had to eat something n be active for 2 hours n not sleep all day n nite she mad at me for calling 911 last Saturday I don't want to fights with my mom I just want her...
  19. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Need Prayer Please For Help With Some Stressful Situations That Are Weighing Very Heavily On My Mind This Evening Abba-Father God In Jesus's Name xox

    I am just very "Super-Stressed" out this evening by many situations and i know that I Am Needing Soo Much Prayer For God's Peace & Calm & Composure right now... Thank-you soo much everyone for your kind intercessions on my behalf ! Father In Jesus's Name Please carry me thru these difficult...
  20. L K

    Father God thank you for bringing my ...

    Father God thank you for bringing my son Rohan to this day Father I ask for you divine intervention Rohan is in intensive care Father we offer the present relapse to you. We put Rohan completely into your hands. We ask that you send the Archangels and angels to guard him. Bless all the medical...
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