Father bring an end to 12 yrs of barreness Father cause to walk , run, jump drive, wear heels again and line my Spain staright Father 3yrs sofi of inborn cataract Father heal my mum of cataract and arthritis Father hasten Christy marriage proposal and supernatural provision Father give me a good...
3yrs sofi
affordable father business breakthrough
arthritis father
barrenness father cause
christy marriage proposal
country: nigeria
inborn cataract father
spain straight father
supernatural provision father
I want God to settle me maritally this year,and also bless and favour me with a happy home,I want God to bless me with a set of twins,2boys,I want God to bless my future husband with a very good apartment before the end of the year,I want God to bless him with a better job,and continue to put me...