A prayer request for my father in law Francisco Rodrigues from goa His in critical stage at the moment in hospital. Doctor said his heart is functioning 10 %. I have strong faith in god n I know god will never leave me.amen
My mother judith pereira is suffering from breast cancer and she is getting pain in her back bone as cancer is spread to back bone from goa please pray for her
Hi praise the lord Im valency from Goa.i have kidney proteinuria problem.that my kidney losses protein . Doctor advised me to do kidney biopsy for medication to start.i have small baby and I'm breastfeeding. I don't want any complication. Please pray for me that I may get healing through the...
My son has discontinued his final BDS some years back. I need prayer for him to join back and finish his final exam and get get the BDS degree. If this is happening, it will be a big miracle for my entire family. Thank you Jesus. Praise you Jesus. I am Susan from Goa.