My name is Giuseppe Pompei,i have 24 years old,I come from Castelvetrano city,and I want that God accomplish this miracle, I want to have a place or a house in my city where I can live peacefully without people bothering me and harass me with the noises, I want that God to save me as soon as...
My name is Giuseppe Pompei,i have 24 years old,and i want God accomplish this miracle, I want that God protect me,free me,save me from all the my envious enemies and from all the people that harass me forever.
My name is Giuseppe Pompei,i have 24 years old,and i want that God to send me a powerful blessing for protect me, stave off away and defeat all the evil and the devil forever from my life.
My name is Giuseppe Pompei,i want that God accomplish this miracle, I want that succeed to find a friend that understands me and save me from the people that harass me, I want that him get me out of this whole difficult situation.
My name is Giuseppe Pompei,i have 24 years old,and i want that God accomplish this miracle,i want that the my director of work call me as soon as possible to get me work.
My name is Giuseppe Pompei,i want God accomplish this miracle, i want that God to never let me go back in the my country forever, and that give me a place for be safe from all the my enemies and people that harass me with the noises.