I am a matriculant who is now done with school and is awaiting for my results. I have suffered through depression in this year and I assume it's with all the stress about my future that I am going through this phase of depression. I am worried about my future life and the career I want to do. I...
Pray for me my life partner snehal and our relationship is. Pray all blessings and happiness. Pray my family members and friends. Pray all problems are going in Jesus name. Pray for my good salary please. Pray my future life. Pray all in Jesus name.
My son Immanuel wrote Upsc exam on October 10th. He was not selected the exam. Pray for his study health safety and future life in your continuous prayers.
Day by day We are struggling to survive. No source of income. Lost the job, trial is underway. With two kids we are uncertain our future life. Have mercy to pray for us.