Prayer request:I want to have my professional contract as a footballer this summer...that may/june should favour me and my twin bro that every delay in our career be cancelled thanks pastor
Good day My name is Jonathan baba Am from nassarawa state I want prophet TB joshua to pray for me, am a footballer have not been sign out of nigeria I one to be sign out I don't know the way to go out of nigeria to play football
Please pray for me I need God in my life.
and I also want to be a footballer but nothing is going well for me. Help me with your prayers for me to be successful in my football career
Breathen things has not been working for me as usual everything I put my hands it will not work, my friends has been telling me to join occult but I know God can use someone to help me out. Am a footballer who wants to showcase his talent in field of play but still yet I haven't gotten a club...
Pls my name is Louis arum, am from Nigeria but live in Indian, am a footballer and I need ur help in prayers, I want to play for Barcelona club and I want to make Africa proud, I want to be the best player in the world, I want to be up lifted, I want God to protect me from accidents, and give...
I'm Richmond from Ghana,im a footballer who has been suffering from knee injery for two prayer request is for God to heal my knee so that i can go back to training
My name is Manirakiza Moriss, An orphan aged 22, based in Uganda. Please pray for me I have heart pulpitation, and a footballer who dreams to play in the world's best clubs. Please pray for me pastor
My name is chimobi and I have been having promise and fail in my life. Am a footballer and all my dream is to play football in the professional league but all I see is delay. I have been to this for over 5years but still I believe in God the he will do it for me. But right is like am losing hope...
5 years
country: nigeria
dream cos
hope cos
professional league
worried thanks
IAM gift makasa from zambia 🇿🇲🇿🇲Pray for my husband his name is Harrison kaonga he has just being fired from job his a footballer his not well please he want to give up on his career because of frastuiation his passing through over his career please he need serious prays this year he has being...
Please pray for My husband is a footballer and nothing has being moving in his career have cried alot but this is my last station I know God will move him I don't know when but I have faith in him please pray for him🙏🙏🙏
I need Deliverancy in my family finical break through in my family healing in my life is full of upsdown my husband is a footballer but on his career he don't move and I know only you man of God will help us🙏🙏🙏
Man of God my life is full of upsdown I need delivance in my family ,,, , finical break through in my family healing in my family ,,,,, nothing is moving in my life and my husband is a footballer but he don't move to any nice team please pray for us man of God iam gift makasa and my...
country: zambia
family financial breakthrough
family healing
harrison kaonga iam
husband name
iam gift makasa
need deliverance
nice team
Dear Lord first of all thank you for your many blessings. I pray that you help my parents earn more money so that they can pay our school fees and we can eat well. Also please Lord relieve my mom of all her stress and cure my dad of his depression. I also pray Lord that You give me an...
ballet school
country: ghana
football school
many blessings
name amen
school fees
soccer tuition
My Name are Simon Stephen, an from Ghana, am a footballer during my screening I got injury in my knee, since then I can not play football again, I went to hospital to hospital, till now am still feeling the pain, nd also financial breakthrough in my career man of God, please help me pray for...