first day

  1. Yinokarryn

    New job

    Dear lord, today is my first day at work. Pkease bless me o lord guve me courage, wisdom, knowledge. Amen.
  2. Anonymous

    Permanent healing

    Greetings man of God. My name is Rita and I'm sending this request from Oman Middle East. For over a year now I have been having this sever pain in my private part. It comes few days to my monthly period and stops days after my period and some months it continues till after my ovulation. I...
  3. allie222


    Can jd please stop being so stubborn and angry. Help him find peace of mind and heart. Help him see im not doing anything bad to him. Help him talk to me and be his playful self. It's the first day of the year help him start fresh and new chapter. Help him talk to me
  4. Helplord

    First day at work at bob discount ...

    First day at work at bob discount store as a cleaner I wish it was more than 3 hrs I really hope this job work out
  5. Helplord

    Getting excited bout Thursday I pray my ...

    Getting excited bout Thursday I pray my training goes well n my mon wont take long cause I don’t want to be late on My first day hope I make a good impression going to be weird going to a different place
  6. Helplord

    Getting excited bout Thursday I pray my ...

    Getting excited bout Thursday I pray my training goes well n my mon wont take long cause I don’t want to be late on My first day hope I make a good impression going to be weird going to a different place
  7. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son be good ...

    Jesus please let my son be good today with his first day back online school. It is especially difficult because he has too long of a break. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  8. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my husband's first day ...

    Jesus please let my husband's first day of work go well tomorrow. Please also let our President still pursue the legal action of him losing the re-election, because there was definitely something shady. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  9. Chanuralg

    I'm doing a 21day spiritual fast today's ...

    I'm doing a 21day spiritual fast today's my first day.Please pray for me that Gods abundant grace may see me through.Thanks...
  10. Angel46

    Dear God, today is my first day ...

    Dear God, today is my first day at my new job, please let this anxiety go away. Help me feel confident and happy. I will everything there is because is the new beginning of my life. Thank you for bringing from a long way. I love you. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
  11. EEC7913

    Please pray for my two oldest children. ...

    Please pray for my two oldest children. Today is their first day back at School. Please pray GOD will wrap his protecting arms around them and keep them safe and protect and shelter them this year. Please pray they pass there grades.
  12. Virya

    When You Pray:

    “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer. But for twenty-one days the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way.” (Daniel...
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