prayers for my daughter and granddaughter both injured going down there steps this morning thanks for praying with us and also i be praying for all that is in need of so many diff prayers God Bless us prayers for everyone also continue praying for all the fires going on even tho my roof leaks i...
Feeling so dizzy hot and out of breath and we’re dealing with fires in our state and water shortages in our country. Lord in Your mercy quench every firey dart of the enemy against us our families homes health state and peace of mind heal all hair fall and white blotched split nails Lungs Uri...
Lord cancel out any fatigue need much healing and stop any fires from this wind storm and any attacks on us family our body car home finances or property. We all claim your mighty blessings.
Lord keep us safe rebuke all scams of Your enemies and now we’re having high winds cease them Lord and put out the fires in Co. Give us all the best Safest New Years ever. Cancel outages and all variants of covid. In Jesus mighty name and Blood covering justice amen
Cease these Winds and Fires nearby my lights keep going off. Please heal me Lord and keep us all Safe and property and those close deliver them and let your Godly come as promised to help and fix plumbing and all repairs Soon. Your mighty will and favor with only your Godly Blessings to us All...
Just got back need Healing please and Everything people stores just seems so grim What’s going on? Besides some ungodly people celebrating the devil’s holiday soon… There’s something in the air and besides all the fires going. Douce these fires out up north Lord and bring all Your Godly by my...
God to heal and help me now this Cold and pain cease and they my check soon and No fires nearby or outages. Bless and protect us Lord and those close break all evil and we hear good news soon, amen Is 54;17
Lord I am nothing with out you. I have been praying for the strength and peace to be better in my relationship with my wife. Time and time again it is getting worse. Every time I think I might be making a decent step, it back fires. So Lord I give it all to you, every bit, I can’t do this, only...
Lord rebuke all the attacks in our city and on us now, all day long and weekend been hearing of all these standoffs fighting thefts shootings murders fires and explosions going on and everywhere around us THIS MUST STOP BY YOUR BLOOD LORD! Been So overwhelmed with my own legal issues today on...
Healing from this heat and fires and Lord need my check please let it be in the mail and other important docs to send this to right offices to fight this. Intervene Lord we pray and resolve and cancel this debt. Amen
Dear Jesus please help us get a good nights rest and be energized for tomorrow please help the smoke lift and the fires go out I pray for our health and safety for our family please watch over everyone and help them heal and prosper please be with us lord and continue to work on our forever home...
Dear Jesus please help our area and stop all the fires that are burning and bring clean air to all of us so we can go outside. Please help those hurting and hungry. Please help those fighting the fires and bring peace to all in turmoil help heal my husband and his allergies and my sinuses thank...
Happy Fouth of July to everyone. May God bless America. Pray for those fires to stop, the heatwave to go away and may Jesus be with those who lost everything. Ask the Lord to be with them and rebuild those churches that were burned. In Jesus name. Amen
Lord cease all fires in nearby areas and seeing big spiders around my home despite of al we’re doing to prevent them help and bless in everything that we are trying to accomplish by Your mighty Blood covering. Bless us all here amen
There have been alot of fires lately and today in surrounding areas. Please pray Mighty protection and healing and of reactive airway disease dr. Just advised on that prayers for a good pulmonologist and people to help tomorrow at right time when we’re both available, God help heal and Bless us...
Lord we pray to restore my lungs uri whole body our Lives after these fires smoke still affecting us. No weapon or tongue formed against us shall prosper...What the devil devil means for evil You turn it around for Good and send back all curses to the evil one now IJN
Prayers for safety Justice and protection the thief’s are stealing more now in all area and surrounding areas. And more Fires occurring. This must Stop Now! We are all claiming Your mighty Justice miracles soon and also for All the Victims my Lord moving us all forward and heal me stop all hair...
Please pray for my mother. She is 80 years old and yesterday she wasn't doing well at all. But Jesus in His mercy and grace has and is helping her. I pray that Jesus save her from the fires of hell and write her name in the Lamb's Book of Life. Even though my mums old now and cannot understand...