Jesus please let my son be ok at school today and remember to find out about this book that he needs. Also, please let the teacher write me back about his field trip and his other teachers not be mad he worked ahead. Thank you for his art teacher writing me back and mail showing up. Thank you...
Jesus please let my son feel better. Please don't let there be any fallout from him missing field trip today and let his teachers let him make up work in other classes. Please let them be telling truth they found my check and let it come our of my account, and my landlord's check too . Please...
Jesus please let my son feel better. This is a nightmare I haven't had any sleep at all and I paid for a field trip for him already and made a big deal out of it because they lost my check. Please Jesus I can't take anything else. Thank you, Amen.
Jesus please let my cable come back on. All my service is out. I also need to be able to use the phone and that's out as well. Please also let my son be safe and good on his field trip today. Let everyone be nice to him and no one pick on him and don't lose anything. Please let him remember to...
Jesus please let my son's school stop losing everything I give them, specifically my son's field trip slip and check.i cannot afford to do a stop payment on it. Please let the person who is responsible for this be held accountable find my money and call me back.Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please please help my son at school today. Help him on his quiz. Help him remember to turn in stuff. Help him with his counselor and please don't let her take him to meet during important classes. Please also let him figure out a place to put his stuff tomorrow for his field trip. Thank...
Jesus please let my son do well on his quiz today. Please let my landlord get my rent check. Please let my son's teachers grade his assignments and let them understand that with my health issues that I cannot be a chaperone on their field trip. Please let my son be ok though and no problems...
Jesus please let my son calm down and stop flipping out on his field trip. The counselor called me and they are threatening suspension and possible expulsion and I can't deal with this. Please help me. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son be ok today on his field trip and give him composure, knowledge and alertness to take his test and stay off the internet at school and please let my husband do what he is supposed to. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my husband do what he is supposed to today and my son be ok on his field trip and do well on his quiz in math. Please let his other teacher send me the form I need and my son get his pictures. Please also let my family stop thinking I can do everything and help me. Let me also...