I recently went through a very bad break up after 3 years. It’s hard bcuz I’m lonely but he wasn’t really there for me to begin with. I’d like friends bcuz I don’t really have any. I’d also like to be able to afford to move somewhere safer for myself and my daughter. I hate the feeling of being...
Pray for healing of acid reflux, stomach, nerves, muscles, liver and sleep. Pray that i will regain the feeling of my back and able to drive and lift things again. Thanks!
Pray for healing of nerves, muscles, liver, acid reflux, stomach and sleep. Pray for all the pains to be gone and regain the feeling of my back. Pray that I'm able to drive and lift things again.Thanks!
Pray for all the pains and discomfort to be gone. Pray for healing of muscles, nerves, liver, acid reflux, bloated stomach and sleep. Pray that i will regain the feeling of my back. Thanks!
I really love a girl and she also love me but she is hiding her feeling and this is the 1st girl in my life and I have truly love her and she also love me and I need that girl only in my life. Please do pray for me that she one day reveal that she also love me. Please pray for me. I really love...
Pray for healing of acid reflux, bloated stomach, nerves, mucles, liver and sleep. Pray to regain the feeling of my back and pains to be gone. Pray for financial blessing too. Thanks!
Hello I wanted to know if yall can pray for my boyfriend mother her name is Julia Gomez on mother's day she got admitted to the hospital due to her no feeling well now she in the ICU and doctors are saying her organs are failing she was fine until that day. Doctors said she has a infection in...
Pray for all the pains and discomfort to be gone and regain the feeling of my back. Pray for healing of acid reflux, bloated stomach, liver , nerves, muscles and sleep. Thanks!
No swelling in my dental flesh, face or jaw.
No tooth abscess.
No inflammation in my stomach.
No gastritis.
No feeling of fever.
No emotional issues, hurt.
Pray for healing of acid reflux, bloated stomach, liver, sleep, nerves and muscles. Pray to regain the feeling of my back and all the pains to be gone. Thanks!
Pray for healing of acid reflux, bloated stomach, liver, sleep, nerves and muscles. Pray to regain the feeling of my back and all the pains to be gone. Thanks!
Please pray
1) No allergy symptoms like sneezing, nose water, breathing problems
2) No feeling of fever or bloating of my stomach.
3)) no pain, inflammation or swelling in my dental flesh. No tooth cyst or tooth abscess.
In Jesus name, amen.
I recently had a gentlemen in the church who violated me spiritually and physically. I have not been able to return to my normal self in walking with the Lord and am really needing prayer to break the feeling of violation. My spirit is incredibly heavy when I can feel him lusting, fantasizing...
Lord help me I need you Lord take away the feeling I have for somebody it needs to go take it away Lord I do not need it at all it is gene,,,Lord heal me about this it is gabage Lord thank you Lord..it tears me apart makes me feel like crying dont need that twin flame..grrr Love you Lord heal me...
Prayer for my daughter Brandi Bilderback Healing for her neck and it is urgent please. She is also losing the feeling in her arm and in her hand is very weak. Renew her joy and the peace of God within her and rest she needs so much rest she cannot sleep at night because of the pain and the...
I am feeling very lonely and scared. My mother is in the hospital and I am also not feeling good. I am feeling as if I am having no sthrength to take up more stress which I am going through the I'll health of mummy and daddy. Please help me