
  1. Itarirpar

    Dear God i don't feel good today ...

    Dear God i don't feel good today emotionally.. I don't want to be suspicious, I don't want to be judgemental. Please heal this feeling of judging other people. I dont think it's fair to pray when in my heart I feel mad or annoyed.But still I'm praying to please touch the heart and mind of all...
  2. natasha2

    No noise, good sleep

    No noise in my neighbourhood. Good sweet sleep. No nervosity, fear or feeling of nausea in my stomach.
  3. csaaphill

    I again need to repent of my ...

    I again need to repent of my not knowing what God is and not. Reading Romans again made me realize how mush I don't know and feel humbled now. I feel the Holy spirit though so that's good. Empathy for mankind is the holy spirit so... But pray and agree with me to not lose this feeling and still...
  4. natasha2

    Opened clear sinuses; clear ear

    Please pray that my sinuses will open up and my left ear will be cleared; i have a feeling like it is bit clogged; left sinuse and left ear:
  5. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    The Will To Go On

    i often feel like i have lost the will to live & i also feel it is because i am soo all alone when life gets too hard & even just surviving seems very bleak a deep sadness & tiredness fills your heart & mind in the book of Proverbs it says "Hope Deferred Makes The Heart Sick" and i know the...
  6. natasha2

    Nausea pain lower abdomen

    Pray against any diggestive or menstrual problem. I have feeling of nausea and like pain in the lower part of abdomen. Pray against dirarrhea to. Pray against any stress or tension. And for regular menstrual cycle and everything alright with my period. (moderate not excessive period please)...
  7. Guun

    Feeling empty

    Expectation from loved ones are natural but when not fulfilled feels empty. Always making wrong decision and then feel more bad at the end. Lord... Why getting attached to someone when you can't have them in your life. Why people validation effect and self love vanishes. How to overcome this...
  8. natasha2

    Led by the Holy spirit; not to feel overwhelmed

    to be led by the holy spirit: no feeling of overwhelming because of to much obligations:
  9. natasha2

    Breathing problems, no bloating, good sleep, no tension

    Any tension or bloating out. No pms or stomach/diggestion issues. Totaly relaxed state. Good sweet sleep tonight. No menopause symptoms. No feeling of burning or bloating or like i have something in my chest or stomach. AMEN.
  10. natasha2

    Breathing, stomach, sleep

    No nervosity of stomach. No cramps or feeling of boiling. NOrmal stomach acid. catching up a sleep. I have not slept well this night. No diarrhea. Normal breathing
  11. natasha2

    EasY swallowING; normal stomach acid; no heart racing; good sleep

    No feeling of dryness in my mouth. Easy swallowing: Normal stomach acid. No fear. No heart racing. Good sweet sleep.
  12. natasha2

    Pain/stretching muscles

    No pain or feeling of stretching in my muscles, especially in my legg under knee.
  13. faithandhope77

    Today I am thankful for the peace ...

    Today I am thankful for the peace the Lord allowed me to have this weekend. I have been praying for my son so hard and finally this weekend I felt at peace that the Lord has everything in control. I pray the feeling of peace was the Lord telling me all will be OK. I pray for the strength to be...
  14. Yvlich

    please say a prayer. feeling down and ...

    please say a prayer. feeling down and rejected after some comments from a family member yesterday. trying to shake it off but its difficult. thank you for any prayers.
  15. natasha2

    Irritation, inflammation of stomach

    No inflammation or irritation of stomach. No gastritis. No feeling of fever. No fear or anxiety, negative thinking about any health issues. Nothing irritating stomach in my mouth. Amen
  16. natasha2

    No stomach nervosity

    No feeling of boiling in my stomach. No nervosity of the stomach. Normal stomach acid. No bloating. No gastritis. No anxiety, fear or any feeling that i am not aware of causing this, in Jesus name, amen.
  17. Des Denisse

    Please pray for me. I feel very ...

    Please pray for me. I feel very nauseous. Please pray the feeling will go away. I caannot afford to go to the hospital or the doctor at this time. Thank You, for praying for me. May God Bless You. Amen.
  18. Daklywan

    I want to leave homosexuality. I want ...

    I want to leave homosexuality. I want to leave homosexuality. To me it came as a witchcraft. There is a relative with female goblin he put on me. I want this to stop. I'm a man I love woman. But this feeling of homosexuality is kept on being pushed to me through witchcraft. I want God to help me...
  19. natasha2

    School Tools and devices - repaired renewed

    All tools and devices that i need for school let it be repaired, renewed or totaly new (laptops) bought in Jesus name. I have a feeling i must struggle pr wait to long for every blessing in this school. Please let all of this be accelerated because i wait always to long!!
  20. natasha2

    Normal breathing and diggestion

    Thank you Jesus for making my breathing normal whatever the reason. Stress, evil spirits, gastritis, thyroid gland, menopause etc.... No feeling of boiling in my stomach, normal acid please, not to much. No bloating, amen. Health and strength. Wonderful day today, amen.
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