Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. That i will be totally spotless and blameless in my heart and my brain. Pls destroy all idolatry all evil all wickedness all witchcraft evil eye familiar spirits mind games rebellion stubbornness intrusive thoughts wicked...
country: unknown
evil eye
evil heart
evil intentions
health marriage amen
heart bad intentions
mind games
rebellion stubbornness
wicked thoughts
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. That i will be totally spotless and blameless in my heart and my brain. Pls destroy all idolatry all evil all wickedness all witchcraft evil eye familiar spirits mind games rebellion stubbornness intrusive thoughts wicked...
country: unknown
evil eye
evil heart
evil intentions
evil thoughts
heart bad intentions
mind games rebellion stubbornness
next february
wicked thoughts
Heavenly pls destroy and put to death all demonic activities in my life. Pls cast Satan and his demons and all witchcraft and all his attacks and all satanic attacks and all spiritual attacks out of my life. Pls break and destroy and put to death all generational curses all curses all yokes all...
Heavenly pls destroy and put to death all demonic activities in my life. Pls cast Satan and his demons and all witchcraft and all his attacks and all satanic attacks and all spiritual attacks out of my life. Pls break and destroy and put to death all generational curses all curses all yokes all...
Heavenly pls remove destroy all evil and wickedness idolatry gluttony greediness lust adultery witchcraft familiar spirits and all unrighteousess from my heart. That I will have righteousness in my heart and seen righteous. That my heart and my mind will be right in your sight. Amen.
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. Pls destroy and put to death all evil eye idolatry witchcraft familiar spirits unforgiveness adultery lust greediness selfishness covetousness gluttony in my life. That Satan and his demons will have no access to my life...
country: unknown
evil eye idolatry witchcraft
greediness selfishness
heavenly pls
providence ri
right standing
tamara martinez
u amen
Heavenly father I thank u. pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. I'm not liking my life right now. I'm not liking my jobs. I need new jobs. I tried to committ suicide many many times. Pls completely destroy and completely put to death all witchcraft all familiar spirits all...
country: unknown
heavenly father
life pls
new jobs
repetitive sins anger
unforgiveness gluttony lust adultery idolatry evil eye mind games
Heavenly father I thank u. pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. Pls completely destroy and completely put to death all witchcraft all familiar spirits all repetitive sins anger rage unforgiveness gluttony lust adultery idolatry evil eye mind games laziness all types of...
country: unknown
evil eye mind games laziness
heavenly father
life pls
rage unforgiveness gluttony lust adultery idolatry
repetitive sins
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. Pls completely destroy and completely put to death all witchcraft all familiar spirits all repetitive sins anger rage unforgiveness gluttony lust adultery idolatry evil eye mind games laziness all types of ungodliness in...
country: unknown
evil eye mind games
heavenly father
repetitive sins
unforgiveness gluttony lust adultery idolatry
Heavenly I thank u. pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins pls rebuke and cast out all demons of idolatry witchcraft rejection gluttony odor smell demons spirits of pursuit demons that have been tormenting my body and my mind mind control mental illness laziness craziness...
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins pls rebuke and cast out all demons of idolatry witchcraft rejection gluttony odor smell demons spirits of pursuit demons that have been tormenting my body and my mind mind control mental illness laziness craziness insanity...
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins pls rebuke and cast out all demons of idolatry witchcraft rejection gluttony mental illness laziness craziness insanity adultery evil eye anger rage familiar spirits unforgiveness rebellion cuteness dumbness curses stubbornness...
Total deliverance from all witchcraft. Pls heavenly pls totally destroy and totally put to death all witchcraft all evil all wickedness all Satan's attacks all nightmares all spiritual attacks all familiar spirits in my life. Amen.
Heavenly I rededicate my life to u this morning. Pls break and destroy and put to death all sin all evil all witchcraft and all familiar spirits in my life. That I will no longer live in sin. That I will totally repent of all sin. That I will not give up on u. I give my heart and my life to u...
Heavenly I rededicate my life to u this morning. Pls break and destroy and put to death all sin all evil all witchcraft and all familiar spirits in my life. That I will no longer live in sin. That I will totally repent of all sin. That I will not give up on u. I give my heart and my life to u...
Heavenly I rededicate my life to u this morning. Pls break and destroy and put to death all sin all evil all witchcraft and all familiar spirits in my life. That I will no longer live in sin. That I will totally repent of all sin. That I will not give up on u. I give my heart and my life to u...
Heavenly pls break and totally destroy and put to death all types and behaviors of witchcraft familiar spirits witchcraft chants and witchcraft enchantments and witchcraft incantations and witchcraft covenants and witchcraft curses in my life. Pls totally break and totally destroy and totally...
In Jesus name, we bind all satan’s evil , wicked, demon, lying and tormenting spirits and their strongmen along with all evil principalities, powers and rulers of wickedness in high places, all roots,fruits, tentacles and links, doubt, unbelief, leviathan, pride, anger, rage,strife, all...
Lord the Farther in Christ Jesus holy name, I thankyou for this day. I pray that you deliver me from all the familiar spirits which are not from you father and I come close to you such that you can own my heart every time and again in meditation. Dear father remember me as your mercies can never...