false prophets

  1. Jesussaves89

    Lord hpelas ehal my body ine evry ...

    Lord hpelas ehal my body ine evry way and my fmaily bod yin eevry way. please brign releif form difficult helath problems. pleas eheal all dental flesh and and all flesh in my fmialy please giv eus bodie shealed and whole. By YOur stripes wee are heale.d please hela me of type 1 diabetes and all...
  2. Basiloria


  3. Anonymous

    God I hate this I hate this ...

    God I hate this I hate this so much is she not my wife??? Is she not the one I am so sick of being used by you to teach the most brutal of lessons and I am so tired of watching it happen to them I'm so tired or watching people fall to there knees and break well you work through me. I just wanted...
  4. Hotatoo

    My son have hijacked by false prophets ...

    My son have hijacked by false prophets for some year now, I need God to loose him My son want to travel but no money God devine help and support A car for business we having saving for it God to make it happen Miracle of finance for daughter and husband to relocate to Australia. God to help my...
  5. Visionary1


    Unlike Elijah, I have, by no means, ever thought that I am God's only servant; and definitely not the only one indwelled with the gift of prophecy. Therefore, when I come across a word that serves to strengthen us in our Spiritual assignments, I am moved to share. I don't recall where I found...
  6. Visionary1


    Did Judah and Jerusalem prosper under the influence of false prophets? Absolutely, for a time. But, because they trusted in idols, their deeds, and the things that their hands had made, rather than simply trusting in God's perfect will and timing, God was provoked to fury. The test is not in...
  7. Visionary1


    Before I continue in the "Processes," discourse, especially as has been at work in this city, I must say this to the cities that have ears to hear: You don't ever, I don't care what the situation, nor how urgent the matter, you are never to turn to idols. You are never to seek their...
  8. Anonymous

    Please help us from Evil

    Hello, Please pray for me, my husband, for my children. WE are losing graces because of false prophets in India from the catholic charismatic renewal. God always wants us holy, please pray for us to be restored in everyway, as we were misled and deceived by these people. God should help us...
  9. Tigolon

    Calvary greetings pastor, Trust this email meets ...

    Calvary greetings pastor, Trust this email meets you well. Kindly pray along with me and my family: 1. God please take control of Michael Oluwatosin Omishakin’s life and have mercy on him and forgive him his sins with the blood of Jesus. 2. Every strong man that is pushing Michael Oluwatosin...
  10. Terisard

    202202080356...Prayer requests: 'Philippians 4:11–13 11 I am ...

    202202080356...Prayer requests: 'Philippians 4:11–13 11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every...
  11. Anonymous

    please Father do not let my husband ...

    please Father do not let my husband be an obstacle to his sons full deliverance, help my son to use the power You gave him to tell the demons to go in Jesus Name, convict my husband to repent for his sins and please renew his mind so he can to turn back to You Father, take Satan's grip of my...
  12. csaaphill

    Jehovah I place and repent of my ...

    Jehovah I place and repent of my double mindness. I ask for you to forgive me of that and wash and cleanse me of it all. I ask to for you to help pull me out of the net that the false prophets have laid for me. I ask for help against technology that's being used against me and for you to break...
  13. Terisard

    202111180735...It is done....'John 8:44 New International Version ...

    202111180735...It is done....'John 8:44 New International Version 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language...
  14. Brother in Christ (JC)

    ❤ Members' Prayer / 2021 Wed, Nov 17

    Greetings my Brothers and my Sisters! Heavenly Father, our God of mercy, we thank you for this prayer site and for another day to share Your Gospel and to share Your word. We stand together and we pray for all the members on this forum, along with our families and loved ones. We ask for Your...
  15. Visionary1


    RECOMMEND READING: EZEKIEL 35 JEREMIAH 29 Jesus sent his disciples out two by two, and certainly can do a thing howsoever he chooses. This message is for those who deliberately chose to interfere, and even influenced those who were not directly involved to unknowingly engage in matters where...
  16. Eschatas

    Deliverance and salvation for my daughters

    Please pray for my 2 daughters (age 29 and 22). My oldest daughter Ashley stopped believing in God when she was about 18. My youngest daughter Haley whom I live with has been influenced by a guy friend and her dad to where it has gotten to the point that she lies to me, has no respect for me as...
  17. Kolodioth


    Dear Lord, TY for all you have done in our lives. TY that A has had an upbringing in the church, even if she is not following those teachings now (M either). The fact that you have calmed my spirit so much assures me you are already working in their lives. It will no doubt take time, but as...
  18. Anonymous

    MY LORD I need u to remove ...

    MY LORD I need u to remove these people fully from my memory. Pls remove chelsea bedell the false prophet Penelope melendez the false prophet & kenneth copeland the false prophet & allen parr. Pls remove all false prophets & false teachers from my memory. Pls remove this person Monee...
  19. Anonymous

    MY LORD pls I forgive every person ...

    MY LORD pls I forgive every person who has spoken bad of me everyone who has done wrong to me & everyone who has disapproved of me. Pls save me rescue me from the mark of the beast from evil from sin from the devil from his demons from witches from harlots from whoremongers from wizards from...
  20. Mapemath

    Lord draw me closer to a consistent ...

    Lord draw me closer to a consistent hunger for ur word prayers and worship. (2) let my husband locate me B4 d end of d year. (3) send destiny helpers to locate me and those dat forgot remember me speedily.(4) let d covenant of salvation for my family manifest speedily.(5) let d purpose of my...
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