Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you lord please completely destroy absolutely all every false gods idols ridulas absolutely all bindages string holds of false gods muslamic believes please lord in absolutely every way form part of daa his life permanently by your mighty power...
attraction desire commitment
blessing light awsome
blindness veils scale
closeness unity total commitment
country: unknown
total agreement unity
total total love
total unity agreement
unbreakable love bond connection
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve lord please please make daa a born again Christian asks jesus christ into his heart life through me me my husband my husband now by your mighty power without absolutely no delay at all in jesus name lord please completely titally permanently destroy...
country: unknown
lady kenny rodgers
lobe heart deepest feelings emotions
love attraction desire commitment
other girls women
strong holds bondages
total commitment total faithfulness
total unity total agreement
unbreakable love bond connection closeness unity
Lord please please make daa a born again Christian asks jesus chrusy into his heart life through me me my husband now by your power without any delay at all please lord destroy completely permanently destroy absolutely all every false gods idols ridulas absolutely all every strong holds all...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you pacificly lord please completely permanently destroy absolutely all every false gods idols ridulas all every strong holds all every bomdagss of false gods idols ridulas false muslim gods believes in absolutely every single part of daa his life...
country: unknown
deepest feelings emotions
lady kenny rodgers
name mekg memg
other girl women
ridiculous false muslim gods
total commitment total faithfulness
total unity total agreement
unbreakable love bond closeness connection unity
Lord please make the results of my upper eye surgery truly awsome amazing woth absolutely no no excess skin above my eyes in the corners of my eye absolutely no lumbs bunbs raised bits scars marks splits that I am overwhelmed with incredibly joy in jesus namess lord please lord make daaa a born...
abd daa love attraction
country: unknown
data mind body
lady kenny rodgers
muslim falsegods
other girls women
total unity agreement
unbreakable lobe bond connection unity closeness torak title commitment
upper eye surgery
Lord please please male me absolutely every single part of me the total total love of daa life ij absolutely every way form more than be has ever ever felt experanced before ever right now alot alot more more every day in jesus christ name make me you jesus christ becoming a born again Christian...
country: unknown
muslamic falsegods
one husband
other girls women
soul mates companions
titak unity agreement
total agreement
total love
unbreakable love bond connection closeness unity title title commitment
Lord yoir words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please break destroy absolutely all every soul ties daa has with mayjabeen in every way permanently right now permanently any other girls women but me please lord permanently in jesus christ name please lord make daa a born again...
blessing awsome light awesome incredible joy peace
country: unknown
falsegodsidolsfalse muslims godsidols
other girls women
total agreement unity
total commitment total faithfulness
total total unity total agreement
total trial love
unbreakable love bond connection unity closeness connection
Lord please make me and daa whole relashionship alot alot closer stronger deeper flourishes in every single way please make daa a born again Christian through me my husband by your power without any delay please melt mightly incredibly absolutely every single part of daa to me towards me you...
awesome incredible joy
country: unknown
lady kenny rodgers
other girls women
other women girls
total faithfulness
total total love
total unity total agreement
unbreakable love bond connection unity closeness total commitment
Lord yoir words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please remove absolutely all hard bits rough bits lumby bumby bits lines wrinkles under my left eye now permanently please make my surgeon dr a please lord do 1 more round of steriod injections under my left eye no problems at all make...
awesome title success
country: unknown
hard pea sized gland
muslim falsegods
rough bits lumby bumby bits lines wrinkles
title title unity title agreement
total commitment total faithfulness
total unity agreement
unbreakable love bond connection closeness unity
Lord please please make daa a born again Christian through me me my husband my husband by your mighty power right now please lord without any delay please lord permanently destroy absolutely all false gods idols absolutely all ridulas absolutely all all every strong holds of muslamic false gods...
country: unknown
deeper flourishes
islamic falsegods
lobe desire attraction commitment
mighty power
other girls women
relationship marriage
total lobe
total unity total agreement
Lord please please completely totally permanently remove absolutely all hard hits every skin issie rough bits lumbs bumbs rough bits lines marks scars under my left eye by your power make them absolutely all permanently dissappear under my left eye once abd forall right now please in jesus...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve lord please please make me and daa my husband my husband whole relashionship marriage alot allt closer stronger deeper flourishes in absolutely every way form please melt mightly mightly incredibly absolutely every single way part of daa to me towards...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please remove permanently absolutely all hard bits all everh lumbs bumbs all every marks scars pink bits riygh buts raised bits puckery bits hard white spots every marks scars everh lines wrinkles dark circles hollows under my left eye rught...
ageless wrinkle free blemish
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
deepest desires expectations
face neck body vsgina area
heads blsbk heads
light awsome blessing awsome
puckery bits hard white spots
unity total unity agreement
Lord your words saya ask and I will recieve I ask you lord please please remove permanently from the absolute roots absolute all every hard bits all evety lymbs bumbs hard bits skin tissue all every whire spits hard whire spits all every marks scars pink bits all every riugh bits raised hits...
awesome light awesome blessing
country: unknown
dry skin dull skin
other girls women
puffiness excess skin
scars pot holes frkmmny vagina area body
smooth brand new wrinkles free bow
unity total unity total agreement
youthful ageless wrinkles
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve lord please remove absolutely all every hard bits all every lumbs bumbs raised bits ouckery bits absolutely all every marks scars all every lines wrinkles dark circles hollows under my left eye now please without any delay please please make undee my...
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
evert soul ties data
face neck body
left eye lid
puffiness excess skin
thin hair spaces
unbreakable love bond connection unity closeness faithfulness commitment
young youthful ageless wrinkles
Lord please please heal restore my left under eye please remove absolutely all hard bits lumbs bumbs raised bits puckery bits whire spots all every lines wrinkles dark circles hollows under my left eye permanently from the roots now make them all completely totally dissappear completely now...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please lord remove permanently absolutely all hard bits hard bits skin tissue all every hard whire spots all hard bits lumbs bunvs marks scars whire spots lines wrinkles dark circles absolutely every all skin problems issues under my left eye...
country: unknown
dark circles
deep divine connection
hard bits skin tissue
hard white spots
lumps bunvs marks
other women girls
scars white spots lines wrinkles
skin problems issues
Lord I ask you please please exeed supercede absolutely every single one of my deepest prayers request deepest deepest desires now please without any delay even before I ask please perform miracles and wonders of healing under mh left eye rughg now please make under my left eyd brabc new...
abundant affection attention romance abundant quality time goodness gentleness
abundant love care compassion empathy
awesome awesome incredibly beauty glory radiance shekinah glory
country: unknown
incredibly beauty
love bond connection tion unity closeness
loyalty connection bond connection honesty trust
rugby bits weird spits
strong very deep divine connection love bond
Lord I ask you please cast out of every part of daa all absolutely all darkness all unbelieve absolutely all worshipping false gods idols all selfishness all hardness being controlling all every spirits that are not of you right now perform in jesus name lord please make daa a born ahead...
abundant affection attention romance abundant quality time respect goodness gentleness
abundant love compassion
country: unknown
deepest feelings emotions
lady kenny rodgers
loyalty kindness generosity honesty trust
other girls women
soul ties data
unbelieve love unity commitment connection bond fauthfullnedd thst
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve lord I ask you please please remove permanently from the absolute roots please all hard bumbs all every bumby lumby hard lumbs rausd bits all every puckery bits absolutely all every lines wrinkles dark circles hollows pigmentation mark under my left eye...