Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ### December no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
bank debts frauds
bank people
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
office people colleagues
political plans
self respect
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ### December no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
bank debts frauds
bank people
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
office people colleagues
political plans
self respect
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ### December no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
bank debts frauds
bank people
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
office people colleagues
political plans
self respect
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ### December no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
bank debts frauds
bank people
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
office people colleagues
political plans
self respect
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ### December no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
bank debts frauds
bank people
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
office people colleagues
political plans
self respect
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ### December no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
bank debts frauds
bank people
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
office people colleagues
political plans
self respect
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ### December no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
bank debts frauds
bank people
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
office people colleagues
political plans
self respect
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ### December no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
bank debts frauds
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
insulting situations
office people colleagues
political plans
self respect
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ### December no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
bank debts frauds
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
insulting situations
office people colleagues
political plans
self respect
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ### December no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
bank debts frauds
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
insulting situations
office people colleagues
political plans
self respect
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ### December no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
bank debts frauds
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
insulting situations
office people colleagues
political plans
self respect
Just read good news response to a prayer, and I agreed with it as we know we are not guilty of this horrendous alleged crime the devil is claiming to cause Persecution shame and upheaval in our Godly Christian lives, however realized later on that this false prophet was using someone else photo...
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ### December no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
bank debts
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
financial issues
legal problems
political plans
self respect
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ### December no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
bank debts
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
financial issues
legal problems
political plans
self respect
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ###, no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, and many...
bank debts
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
financial issues
legal problems
political plans
self respect
You’re mighty intervention, Lord, and helping all this false allegations against your people marked by your blood. The enemy cannot prevail in this it over we need here that people may be afraid to testify against this wicked evil person that really needs you Lord, your mighty blood covers us...
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ###, no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, and many...
bank debts
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
financial issues
legal problems
political plans
self respect
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ###, no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, and many...
bank debts
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
financial issues
legal problems
political plans
self respect
Jesus please make ### to.give me and know that I am.innocent Also Jesus make me get all my gold money and good rate Also Jesus give me lots and lots of counsellings before I go to ### on.###th December finiacially and release my burdens Help me Jesus Proove me innocent to...
Jesus bless me from all debts and debtors. Save me from all bank debts, frauds, court cases, illegal and legal problems, lots of financial issues and problems, don't have anything left. Court Case on ###, no money to give lawyer. Save me from dr ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, and many...
bank debts
broken marriage
country: india
court cases
dr pund savita shital medical kalpesh raul padma pathan abbas bhai vishwas
financial issues
legal problems
political plans
self respect