fallen world

  1. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  2. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  3. Articles

    Today's Verse - Psalm 121:7-8 (KJV)

    The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. —Psalm 121:7-8 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... One of my most complex challenges as a parent is knowing that I can't...
  4. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  5. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  6. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  7. Steven Bobb

    The problem with looking forward to Heaven ...

    The problem with looking forward to Heaven as a way to brighten our spirits now is that that's in the future. For NOW, we still live in the fallen world, and just "thinking of" Heaven doesn't erase our PRESENT problems.I'm looking for deliverance from certain situations NOW.
  8. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  9. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  10. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  11. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  12. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  13. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  14. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  15. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  16. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  17. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  18. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  19. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
  20. RMathews

    Nothing can stop me

    Lumps cannot stop me, Cancer cannot stop me, Surgeries cannot stop me, Sickness cannot stop me, Viruses cannot stop me, Poverty cannot stop me, Nothing in this fallen world can stop me my Love towards my Lord and my Saviour Yeshuva HaMashiach ( Jesus Christ ) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let...
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