GOD, you woke me up this morning and im forever grateful.
GOD, whats your purpose for my life?
GOD, show me your face.
GOD, your will and your way.
GOD, lead me and i will follow.
In Jesus Christ Almighty Name Amen 🙏
Pray for my nephew Tahmoh he has measles on his face and body. Just after 2dys of his fever . Pray for his healing in Jesus name. He's 6monts old. Nd pray for my mum Mary. Not to see bad dream any kind of scary dream in Jesus name. Protection from evil temptation in our family . Amen thank you...
bless Almighty God for the success of my passed examination, God gave me a good grade, may his name be praised forever 1. I want God to prove himself concerning my examination that am writing right now, my second semester HND 1 examination, I want God to grant me success beyond imagination in...
I'm confused about what I can do at a new job at 59 yrs old I'm looking for a career in this field, and I'm scared to move forward with this...plus I'm lonely and depressed. I think my mind can't get rid of the battle's I face, I have resentment to my family's rejecting me, plus I have a hard...
I lose at everything. Lost my hair, lost half my face with bells palsy, lost my wife!!!
Today got a spirit attached to my lips and tongue, got anger why I can sing without it distributing me, slappingmy face around, commanding the spirit of infirmity to leave.. Yesterday I remember I had left pain again, mini stroke signs and my ability to speech seize this morning, as normal. God...
The LORD bless you and keep you.
The LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.
Father, thank you for every mother and mother to be and for Your love for them. I call on Your Spirit to manifest your presence in their...
I don’t like electricity ⚡️ all over my face to my body attack me to get headache because it is so uncomfortable. Please rid of fix Thrombosis Thrombocytopenia Purpura under the skin of my right legs to be healthy in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Please stop electrical all over from my face to my whole body because it makes me feel so uncomfortable of Thrombotic under the skin on my right leg to fix to be healthy in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen! I want sleep healthy!
Praise the Lord. My name is Rabek luxa and my sisters name is grace swetha we request you to pay for the pimples and dark spots that are in our face, we have been dealing with it for the past 4 years, my sister and myself have tried many treatments but nothing worked. We belive thay Jesus has...
I just had to leave my house to escape being abused this morning. Yes I say things back to him and I tried to put in headphones and I tried to do so stop talking and go to another room is locked him out of my face and abuses me and screams at me and hold me down I cannot take this anymore I need...
Very urgent lord please please remove every all blemishes every all pigmentation marks red viens pimples limes wrinkles dark circles hollow under my eyes on my face permanently rigjt now please in jesus christ namess
Praise the Lord. My name is Rabek luxa and my sisters name is grace swetha we request you to pay for the pimples and dark spots that are in our face, we have been dealing with it for the past 4 years, my sister and myself have tried many treatments but nothing worked. We belive thay Jesus has...
GOD, show me your face.
GOD, you woke me up with a purpose.
GOD, let me do your will.
GOD, show me your face.
GOD, i'm not satisfied with where i am.
GOD, i've cried out before and still i want more.
GOD, i want to feel your power this very hour.
GOD, show me your face.....
Thanks William...
"Im the last days scoffers will come, saying, "Where is this promise of His coming?For ever since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as before." Yeah me!!I'm saying that!All I see is the problems {getting worse} that I face but no Rapture.
Dear God please restore, add and heal my tounge. My tounge is also suffering. My face is being squeezed. Please heal and restore centuple googolplex million fold centuple. Always both face and tounge and all parts being torture or done. In Jesus name. Amen