Lord please please remove absolutely all every whire bits raised bits lumby bumby bits dark circles hollows lines wrinkles under my left eye now by your power please lord make them all complete totally dissappoitments now never return work through jy surgeon dr a to please please successfully...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please remove absolutely all whire bits raised bits white lumby bumby bits dark circles hollows lines wrinkles under my left eye now by your power make them all absolutely dissappear now permanently work through my sigeeon please lord...
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
face cream
left eye kid
moles pigmentation
next appointment
photographer videos video calls
white bits
white lumpy bumby bits
Lord lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please touch completely heal restore under mh left eye in every way now please lord remove absolutely all every white bits rough bits lumby bumby white bits dark circles hollows limes wrinkles under my let eye please lord...
Lord please forgive me all things. Lord I love you lord your words say ask and I will recieve I stand lord on your words promises I ask you please please lord exeed exeed supercede absolutely every single one of my deepest deepest prayers request deepest deepest desires please lord bigvhuge tiny...
awesome supernatural favor
breast waist bum
bumpy bits lumby bits
country: unknown
exact right spots
full long string shinny
right needle right amount use
right very best
supernatural skill expertise wisdom
Very very very urgent please all pray Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please remove permanently absolutely all every white bits raised bits absolutely every single all every lumbs bumbs bumby bits raised bits whore bits pain sensitivity under my left eye in every...
country: unknown
faceneckbodyfaceneck skin body
left eye brand new
lumps bumps
normal skin color
pain sensitivity
single way
skin problems
smooth normal skin color
Very very urgent lord please please touch completely totally heal heal restore under my left eye in every way rught now please lord remove permanently absolutely all white bits absolutely all lumbs bumbs absolutely all raised bots dark circles hollows under my left eye now by your power lord...
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
financial income savings
left eye
lumps bumps
new normal skin color
skin problems
white bits
young youthful ageless wrinkles
Very very urgent please please all pray lord yoir words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please heal completely tirally heak restore please lord under my left ete in absolutely every way firm rught now please by your power in jesus christ name lord please please remive absolutely all...
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
faceneckbodyface skin neckbody
financial income savings
left eye lid
puffiness excess skin
red veins pigmentation marks
smooth normal skin tone
stronger deeper flourishes
Very very very urgent please all pray Lord lord please forgive me for all things all sins lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please remove absolutely all every white bits absolutely all bumby bits absolutely all raised bots lumbs bumbs dark circles hollows under my left...
bots lumps bumps
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
dry skin dull skin
left eye lid
mighty healing power
new brand new tubby
puffiness excess skin
sensitive skin itchy scalp
Very very very urgent please please all pray Lord lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please touch completely totally heal heal restore under my left eye in absolutely every way please lord remove permanently absolutely all all white bits absolutely all bumby bits...
awesome light awesome joy
awesome supernatural skill expertise wisdom
brand new brand
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
dr ahmed surgeon
left eye right eye
red veins pigmentation
supernatural wisdom discernment insight
Very very very urgent please all.pray lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord touch heal restore under my left ete where I had surgery please please lord male under my left eye incredible incredibly smooth flat incredibly invisible incredible brand new in...
Very very urgent lord please please protect me every single where I am I go my whole eyes skin hair health with you'd mighty mighty fire protection holy angels always forever more lord please please make incisions line from surgery under my left right eyes especially under my left eye incredibly...
country: unknown
left right eyes
mighty fire protection
pale skin dark circles
red veins pigmentation
scars pot holes
skin hair health
strong deep divine connection
young youthful ageless wrinkles
Very very urgent lord thank you yourcwirds say ask and I will recieve I ask you lord please touch geal my etes in absolutely every single wat stop my eyes watering producing stringy discharge permanently in jesus christ name please lord touch incision line from surgery under left and right...
Lord please please remove absolutely all fat please from my whole stomach hips body arks right now please never ever to return ever in jesus christ name please please make my whole motablism alot alot alot faster please lord ij absolutely every single way right now always please lord in jesus...
brand new skin
brand new upper eyes
breast waist bum
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
dry skin dull skin
scalp face skin neck scalp vagina area body stomach
scars pot holes
stomach hips body arks
Very urgent lord I ask you please please multiply multiply the whole whole hair please please lord on my whole head incredibly abundantly in every single way where there is absolutely absolutely no no spaces at all it is soo incredibly incredibly thick full long strong radiant grows please...
brand new brand
brand new upper eyes
breast waist bum
country: unknown
faceneckbodyface skin neckbody
left eye lid
red veins moles
scars pot holes
top lip chin side
Please please all pray Lord I ask you please please remove absolutely absolutely all every spots pimples rashes whire heads black heads red viens all every moles all every pigmentation marks all every single all every scars pit yokes red viebs moles pigmentation marks all dry skin all pale skin...
brand new brand new
brand new upper eyes
country: unknown
fillers treatment botox surgery
left cheekbone
left eye lid
new skin
red vibes moles pigmentation
white heads
Very very urgent please please all pray absolutely all every spots pimples pot holes moles red viens absoutley all every lines wrinkles pigmentation marks scars absolutely all every skin problems be totally permanently gone from my whole face skin neck scalp vagina area body right now never ever...
brand new brand
country: unknown
faceneckbodyface skin neck scalp vagina area body
pot holes
skin problems
spots pimples
stomach hips body
upper eyes skin
wrinkles pigmentation marks scars
Very urgent lord please please make my periods come right now please lord without any delay at all that I can start cerelle mini pill I pled pled the blood of jesus christ over cerelle mini pill absolutely no no eye problems in any way form absolutely no bloatedness weight gain anxity...
bloatedness weight gain anxiety depression
brand new brand
brand new skin
brand new upper eyes
cerelle mini pill
country: unknown
eye problems
faceneckbodyface skin
negative side effects
Please please pray Lord lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord renew restore my whole youth in every way under eyes upper eyes skin teeth figure hair confidence faith in every way please please make my under eyes completely totally brand new as I de4oky desire my...
awesome awesome incredibly beauty glory radiance shigina glory
breast waist bum
chat videos whatsapp video
country: unknown
hair confidence faith
life hair skin teeth beauty appearance
single way area part
top class models celebrities
upper eyes skin teeth
Very very urgent please all pray I command asthma absolutely all every symptoms of asthma I was born with 45 years ago leave my lungs air ways whole body from the absolute roots right now never ever return ever in jesus christ name dry eyes watering eyes absolutely all every eye problems...
2 back teeth
brand new brand new
brand new crowns
brand new skin brand new teeth life
country: unknown
dry skin dull skin pale skin
sensitive skin
single part
single way part
Very very urgent lord lord please please your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please remove absolutely all every dark circles hollows every bukgy bits raised bits every all lines under both my eyes by your power right now please please lord make under both my eyes brand new...
brand new wrinkles free blemishes
chat videos whatsapp videos
country: unknown
left cheekbone right cheekbone
new brand
photographer videos selfies
red veins pigmentation
single part
single way part