
  1. Bongash

    Please kindly pray for my son Johnson ...

    Please kindly pray for my son Johnson Oluleke Ayodele who is having depression to come out of it and to fulfil his God's glorious destiny. Ezekiel
  2. Oglonian

    Rachel 9 keep having nose bleeds. Ezekiel ...

    Rachel 9 keep having nose bleeds. Ezekiel 16:6 And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood , I said unto thee when thou wast in thine own blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thine blood, Live. Amen
  3. Meweliarth

    Lord as you prophesied dry bones and ...

    Lord as you prophesied dry bones and become alive through Ezekiel I pray that you do the same to my business for the Glory of God let there be customers and a high end customers in Jesus Name Amen
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