Please, pray that God will restore fully my pet dog Hero’s eyesight and for his overall health and well being. Thank you kind and Godly souls for your earnest prayers.
Anthony Serrano
Pray for the restoration of my eyesight, the shrinking of my enlarged prostrate the restoration of my erectile disfunction and the healing of my wife diabetic condition
Please men of God praying me for different illnesses, to find healing from our Father God. Eyesight is also poor,problem to read. Added to previous illnesses.I pray with you.
My name is Martha. Please, pray for my eyesight and especially for my ears. After I blew my nose yesterday now my right ear feels like it makes a noise when I swallow my saliva.
My name is Martha. Please, pray for my eyesight and especially for my ears. After I blew my nose yesterday now my right ear feels like it makes a noise when I swallow my saliva.
Please pray that me and my family will stay in good health especially our eyesight... Please pray that my business can expand into international territory and expand financially... Protect our safety with The guidance of The Lord.
Due to an illness my eyesight is deteriorating. I have many floaters on my eyes. Please, pray for my eyesight is healed and goes back to normal. I’m concerned.
Please, pray for me. My eyesight is poor and have floaters and blurred vision, I also have like a double crease on my eyes and it doesn’t seem to go away. What can I do for the double Crease to go away? Any advise? Please, pray and advise.
Please pray for tokkie in south africa.. my eyesight.. there's a bloodline curse and Africans male with his female friends ...practicing witchcraft putting curses on my /ears ..hearing/finances/specially on my head ..they put a spirit of death on me and my son chris..the blackman...
My brother is so sick God please help him. I need prayers for my Brother his diabetis is so high he's loosing his eyesight and dying. Please help pray. Sher