eye sight

  1. Anonymous

    Lord lord please please make my eye ...

    Lord lord please please make my eye sight alot alot clearer betree sharper in both eyes without glasses please now please lord open up my eye sight in every way now please lord in jesus christ namess
  2. Anonymous

    Lord lord I ask you please please ...

    Lord lord I ask you please please sharpen my eye sight in both eyes now please please lord make my eye sight alot alot clearer sharper in both my eyes now without glasses in jesus name please please remove all blemishes spots pimples lines wrinkles dark circles hollows undee my etes skin...
  3. Anonymous

    Lord lord please please sharpen make my ...

    Lord lord please please sharpen make my eye sight alot alot alot clearer sharper in absolutely every single way without glasses now please lord in jesus christ name open up my eye sight in every single way now please lord in jesus christ namess
  4. Anonymous

    Lord I ask you please bless council ...

    Lord I ask you please bless council give me 50 pounds House hold fund payment now please without any delay at all in jesus name I ask you please please lord make my eye sight alot alot alot clearer sharper in both my etes without any glasses now please lord open open up my ete sight in every way...
  5. Anonymous

    Very urgent lord I ask you please ...

    Very urgent lord I ask you please please lord sharpen my eye sight please kn both my eyes open open up my eye sight in every way now please lord in jesus christ namess
  6. Anonymous

    Lord lord please please sharpen ny eye ...

    Lord lord please please sharpen ny eye sight in both my eyes incredibly now please please make my eye sight alot alot clearer sharper in both my etes without any glasses now please open open my etes eye sight in every single way now please in jesus christ name please heal me from asthma...
  7. Anonymous

    Lord lord your words say ask and ...

    Lord lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please touch my eyes in absolutely every single way please open open up my eyes in every single way please maje my ete sight please please lord alot alot clearer alog sharped alot betrer than 20 29 ete sight vision best it has ever ever...
  8. Anonymous

    Lord lord your words say ask and ...

    Lord lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please sharpen sharpen my eye sight in every way in both eyes open up my eyes in every way please please lord make my eye sight alot alot clearer sharper alot alot betrer than 20 20 vision betrer ever been ever without any glasses...
  9. Anonymous

    Very very urgent asthma every all symptoms ...

    Very very urgent asthma every all symptoms of asthma leave my lungs air ways whoke body from the absolute roots right now never ever return ever right now in jesus christ name u command my eye sight alot alot alot clearer sharper alot alog betrer than 20 20 vision in both my eyes without any...
  10. Anonymous

    Very urgent lord your words say ask ...

    Very urgent lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please remove asthma every all symptoms of asthma from my lungs air wats whoke body permanently from thd roots rigjt now please lord never return ever in jesus christ name I ask you please please touch my eyes in every way I ask...
  11. Anonymous

    Please please all pray asthma every single ...

    Please please all pray asthma every single all every symptoms of asthma leace ny kings whoke body permanently right now never ever return ever in jesus christ name my ete sight be be alot alot sharper clearer better than 20 20 vision in both my eyes without glasses right now always please lord...
  12. Anonymous

    Lord I ask you please please sharpen ...

    Lord I ask you please please sharpen my eye sight in both eyes rught now male my eye sight alot alot clearer sharper alot better than 20 20 bison in both my eyes without ever needing glasses please lord right now in jesus christ name please make the whites of my eyes alot alot whiter and...
  13. Anonymous

    Lord lord please please please make my ...

    Lord lord please please please make my eye sight in both eyes please alot alot clearly shattered betrer than 20 20 vision in both my eyes right now please lord I pray I never ever need glasses ever in jesus christ namess
  14. Anonymous

    I ask you please please sharpen sharpen ...

    I ask you please please sharpen sharpen my eye sight incredibly in every way right now please lord without glasses please lord in jesus christ namess
  15. Anonymous

    Sore throat asthma every all symptoms of ...

    Sore throat asthma every all symptoms of asthma sore throat leave my body permanently right now never return ever in jesus christ name lord lord please please sharpen sharpen my eye sight in absolutely every single way without glasses right now please renive any scales from my eyes now...
  16. Salors

    Please pray for my husband James he ...

    Please pray for my husband James he is losing his eye sight he is diabetic and he has macular edema in his eyes and he is losing his eye sight and he has to have cataract surgery this January he is scared terrified he will go blind he told me if he goes blind he will not want to live and he wont...
  17. Runister

    Please pray for my eye-sight to get ...

    Please pray for my eye-sight to get restored and my granddad to be healed completely
  18. RICRAM

    I need prayer I have glaucoma my ...

    I need prayer I have glaucoma my eyes feel irritated and the stop sign 🛑 I see the words are twisted. I don’t know if it’s a witchcraft curse or a degenerative disease from glaucoma. My eye sight is changing rapidly. Ricardo
  19. Dornalder

    Marital settlement for me and my sister

    Restoration in my family and my business God put an end to delay in marriage Financial restoration for me and my family and Gods favour Divine healing for dad let he eye sight be perfect
  20. Randindor

    Prayer request for juliana katyen

    God should heal her eye sight and high blood pressure, break every yolk of delay in the katyens family, let there be celebration this year, God should connect us to our right partners
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