No more no more dissappoitments no more critasism no more lonleyness no more sadness no more sorrow no more suffering no more thin hair no more dry etes watering eyes no more eye problems no more skin blemishes no more asthma no more health problems no more stomach problems no more lack at all...
No no more critasism in any way no no more dissappoitments no more lonleyness no more sadness sorrow no more suffering no more ete problems no mote thin hair no more skin problems blemishes no more lack no more poverty no more rejection no more health problems in jesus christ namess
Very urgent my lord my god please please heal heal my eyes please in every way rigjt now please end all every suffering in my eyes permanently now please please lird by your power stop stop my eyes watering permanently being dry permanently niooing stinging permanently from tbe roots rigjt now...
Very vert urgent lord please please touch heal my eyes please lord in every way remive every all eye problems from my eyes permanently from the roots please please please stop stop stop my etes watering permanently bring dry permanently niooing stinging permanently in every way please lord from...
Very urgent lord please heal me from asthma every all symptoms of asthma permanently all sore throat dry etes watering eyes every all eye problems every skin marks blemishes all skin problems heal my hair from all thin hair every all hair problems heal me from all deppression all anxity all...
No more dissappoitments in any way in any area of my life in jesus namess no more critasism to me about me about my hair skin apperance aby part of life in jesus name no more sadness no more sorrow no more deppression no more anxity no more delay no more lonleyness no more lack in my life in qby...
Very urgent lord please please touch gesk geak my eyes please lord in every way please right now please lord end all evert suffering in my eyes please lord permanently right now please please please stop stop my eyes watering permanently being dry permanently nipoing stinging please permanently...
In jesus name I command evert all eye problems leave my eyes please lord permanently permanently permanently from tbe roots right now never ever return ever in jesus christ namess
Very very urgent lord end all every suffering please in my eyes right now permanently please on jesus christ name please touch heal my eyes in every way from tbe roots rught now please lord in jesus christ namess please please stop stop my etes watering permanently being dry permanently nipping...
Very urgent lord please please touch heal my eyes please in every single way rigjt now please pleasd lord stop stop my eyes watering permanently being dry permanently nipoing stinging stinging permanently remove every all eye problems please please lord from my eyes permanently from tbe roots...
Very very urgent lord please please end all every suffering in my eyes in evert way permanently rught now please heal restore my eyes in every way rught now pleasd lord remive all every eye problems from my eyes permanently from the roots please right now in jesus christ name please lord stop...
Very very urgent lord please please heal restore my eyes please in every way rigjt now please please please stop stop my etes watering permanently being dry permanently nipoing stinging permanently from the roots rigjt now never ever to return ever please please remive remove permanently all...
Lord I ask you please please heal restore my eyes in every way they need healing now please in jesus christ namess please lord stop my eyes watering permanently being dry nipping stinging permanently remove every all eye problems from my eyes please lord permanently from the roots now never ever...
Lord please please heal my eyes in every way please remove every all eye problems from my eyes permanently please stop stop my eyes being dry permanently watering permanently now never to return ever please god in jesus christ namess please heal restore my eyes in every way now please lord in...
Hello Lord..thank you for being there for me and my husband you were there when my husband was so sick in icu I was so scared that he would not make it but he did you heard our prayers to heal George thank you Lord..and Lord continue to watch over him and I he still has stuff in his lungs oh he...
Lord no more suffering in my life health no more eye problems no more pain no more suffering no more health problems no more thin poor hair no more skin problems blemishes no more broken teeth teeth problems no more sadness no lore sorrow no more lonleyness no more hurt no more critasism in any...
Very very very urgent lord please please ebd all every suffering on my eyes rigjt now permanently please end end permantly all every eye problems in my eyes from the roots in jesus christ namess please remove every all eye problems in my eyes from the roots rigjt now in jesus christ namess...
Very very urgent please please all pray my lord my god please please end all every suffering in my eyes from the roots permanently rigjt now never ever to return please please touch heal restore my eyes in every way they need healing from the roots please send me please to the total very very...
Lord please please touch heal my eyes please please lord in every way they need healing right now please please stop my eyes watering permanently being dry permanently itchy permanently nipoinh stinging permanently remive all every eye problems please from my eyss from the roots permanently now...
Very very urgent my lord my god please please touch heal my eyes in every way please they need healing please please stop stop all every suffering in my eyes in every step right now please permanently please please remove every all eye problems from my eyes please please lord from the roots...