
  1. 1956sinner

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please ...

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. I broke down and had a small beer with a snack. I don’t know why I did it. Well, yes, I know why I did it. I was using the excuse that the act of quitting cold turkey was too rough on my system. So I’d taper off, gradually. I’ll be honest...
  2. Steven Bobb

    Praise report!!The polls must be tightening if ...

    Praise report!!The polls must be tightening if CNN is advertising polls that Trump is catching up!!Excuse, but CNN, a LIBERAL station, admitting that?Whoa!
  3. Sara Eliza

    It has been awhile since I started ...

    It has been awhile since I started requesting for prayer for my partner who is suffering from depression. Somehow, my intuition is telling me that depression could be his excuse and he was actually seeing someone behind my back. This nasty thought is haunting me and hurting me a lot. Please pray...
  4. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let the rioting stop. It ...

    Jesus please let the rioting stop. It is ridiculous and so dangerous. I understand people are upset, but there is no excuse to loot, burn or hurt people. Please let it stop. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  5. Sindlast

    morning Saints, Help me pray for my ...

    morning Saints, Help me pray for my duagther in law,Her name is Jaime Tariro Maseko.Pray that she be paid all money due to her and that she have her job back again Beacause everytime she is about to be, paid, there is always an excuse from the employer.
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