My Lord, please bless me to pass my Philosophy class with an excellent grade. Please see from heaven, how I am trying my hardest to complete my assingments. Please bless my efforts, and bless me to pass my class. Please help me, I know that you will not disappoint me. I have faith and trust for...
Please pray for me, that I will be healed from intestinal pain. Please pray I will be protected from sickness and disease, this entire fall semester. In Jesus name, I humbly pray and ask this. Amen. Please also pray that I will be able to pay my school balance, I owe. My Lord, I especially pray...
Please pray for me. Please pray I will be able to turn the camera on when using Zoom for class every Tuesday. Please pray that I will be able to login to Zoom class every Tuesday, without difficulty. Please pray Zoom will always recognize my school email and password. Please especially pray that...
My Lord, thank you, for a successful day, today at UTRGV. Thank You, for being kind, and patient with me. Thank You, for causing me to have favor with man. My Lord, thank you, for the progress that was made today. My Lord, please bless me to pass my history course with an excellent grade. In...
Please pray for me, that I will not have difficulty taking today's quiz for history class. My computer is working very slow. Please help me Lord, pass my class with an excellent grade. Please forgive me for not studying enough. My Lord, please bless me to pass both classes I am currently taking...
My Lord, please help me with this situation. I will be sending an email right now to my history professor. Please cause Mr. Farris to answer my email, and explain to me all the details of how to do the upcoming research paper assingment. Please cause him to understand, and answer all my...
My Lord, thank You, for waking me up this day, my family and my pets as well. My Lord, I want to take the time to thank you, for my tuition waiver. It truly is a blessing in my life. Please bless me to pass both classes with and excellent grade. I pray to pass them both with at least a C. My...
My Lord, thank you, for waking me up this day. My family and my pets as well. I also want to pray that you heal me from allergies. Please bless me today with heavenly wisdom to succeed at school. Especially Bless me to pass both classes with an excellent grade. In Jesus name, I humbly pray and...
My Lord, thank you for waking me up this day. My family and my pets as well. My Lord, I humbly pray that you help and bless me to be able to make an appointment tomorrow for wednesday, at the place I have selected for my social work assingment. Please especially bless me to be prepared, alert...
My Lord, I humbly pray Psalm 91, Psalm 107:20, 3 John 1:1-3 upon myself. I humbly pray and ask you for health and long life. I humbly pray that with health and long life you will satisfy me. In Jesus name, I humbly pray and ask this. Amen. Thank You, Jesus. Amen. Also, pray that you bless me to...
country: united states
course material
easy information retention
excellent analyzation
excellentgradeexcellent memory recall
long life
social work class
upcoming exam
Prayer Warriors: Please pray for me. Please agree with me to God, that I will pass my exam for social work with excellent marks. Please, my Lord, I humbly pray and ask for excellent memory recall, analyzation of course material, and easy recall of course material. Please bless my efforts, and...
Please pray for me, that I will pass both classes, I am currently taking this semester, with an excellent grade. In Jesus name, I humbly pray and ask this. Amen. Thank You, for praying for me. May God Bless You. Amen.
Please pray that the minimum wage will be increased to $15/ hour. Please also pray, that I will pass my exam with an excellent grade tomorrow for my history class. Please pray that my good Lord, will bless me with the joy of passing both classes. I am currently taking. Please also pray, My good...
My Lord, thank you for waking me up this day. My family and my pets as well. My Lord, I humbly pray bless my father J.C. with favor and joy of obtaining a new vehicle and a double discount on the the vehicle. Thank You, Jesus for blessing my father with a new vehicle. Please bless me today to...
Please forgive me Lord, for getting upset. Please help me concentrate in my class today. Please bless me to pass both classes with an excellent grade. In Jesus name, I humbly pray and ask this. Amen.
My Lord, thank you, for waking me up this day. My family and my pets as well. My Lord, I pray that you bless me to prepare and write an excellent essay and refelection paper for my social work class. My Lord, please bless me to do an excellent job and to obtain an excellent grade for this two...
My Lord, thank you for waking me up this day. My family and my pets as well. My Lord, I humbly pray, please bless me to analyze, make connections, comprehend, and retain all information of course material I study for both classes. My Lord, please bless me to remember, something, or anything of...
Please continue to pray for me, that I will receive a passing grade on quiz 2 for History class. My Lord, please have my professor post a grade for my quiz 2 on blackboard by tuesday. My Lord, I humbly pray bless me to pass both classes with an excellent grade. In Jesus name, I humbly pray and...
Please continue to pray that my history professor will post grades for Quiz 2 by tomorrow or even better before sun up. Please pray I got a good grade. Please pray that I will pass both classes I registered for this Spring 2021. Please pray I will pass every course, I will ever take with an...
Please continue to pray for me. That I got a good grade on my history quiz 2 for history class. Please pray that my history professor will post the grade on blackboard very soon. Thank You, for praying for me. May God Bless You. Amen. My Lord, I humbly pray that I will pass both classes with an...