God please, help me pass my jamb and post utme exam,I pray for success oh Lord, give me a good invigilator in the name of Jesus, Thank You Jesus in Jesus name
myself sharanya studying in tybcom today is my exam of atkt financial accounting paper and I have not studied anything I try to slove one question but I cant remember the previous one I did please pray for me that I can get at least a passing marks 40 in this paper lord grant your blessings on...
My lord in heaven I thank you for today, I thank you for presence in my life.6 days to u tme exam, lord inter vain in my situation. Father lord give me a satisfying score lord. Let thy will be done in my life
hi. My name is Revina.. i finished my exam few weeks ago.. i an waiting for my results.. i am very scared abt my result…. if i fail my parents wll be very sad… please do pray for my results…. once my subjects pending.. this is my second attempt… please pray for me to pass in my exam and make my...
Lord my son is addicted to cigarettes and wine and is not inclined towards studies. He does not attend classes. Please make him serious towards his studies so that he passes his exam successfully and gets a job and is happy in life. God Please
Dear God, Thank You for prayers answered! Please bless my daughter and help her to be healthy and happy and successful in her exam tomorrow. Please help her to be happy with her new roommates and be happy with her friends. Amen I love You!
Hii help me for my health i got chicken pox and i got exam in next month I'm a college student..... I'm suffering from fever headache, tired Ness, itching plus my left chest pains..i didn't go to hospital I'm so scared if they say something serious...i believe in my lord father..i request you...
Dear God, Thank You for prayers answered! Please bless my daughter and help her to be successful in her exam tomorrow. Amen I love, trust and thank You!
Thank you for the prayers from my recent request. I got a high score on my exam, and I thank you for your prayers. I still earnestly ask for a financial miracle. Please pray that God will protect our finances, and I will have a financial blessing I badly needed enough for me to go back and...
I pray that my son does his exam really well.pray for his success o gid just enlighten him bestow your utmost grace I him.Wake him up when needed just be with him and make him win
Please pray for my apsc prelims result as I gave my exam yesterday.. Please Lord Jesus perform your miracles in my result.. My 1st paper doesn't goes well but please Lord do miracle things in my life Lord Jesus so that i can glorify your name. In Jesus name i pray. Amen Men and women in Christ...
O lord help my children write the exam well.wish that they succeed in their exam.Have mercy o lord for they ate scared.Total faith in you that you will take over