Pray God restores my relationship with Patrick. God brought us together last May and around Christmas his ex started messing with his mind. Everyone around him sees how bad she treated and used him. He admitted I am his best friend. Pray God opens his eyes to the truth and restores our love. I I...
God, I thank you for allowing my ex to message me today. I pray that he will continue to message me and want to work out our relationship. I pray that we can both forgive each other also. I know this is a situation only you can fix, God. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, help me today. I have to go to help the ex with an issue. Please help her to not try and provoke issues. Please watch over me and help me to respond with strength and kindness and shining your light. Be there and just allow your presence to bring patience and kindliness...
Lord please help me to not falter, to not be discouraged. I am alone and feel rejected. Help me tomorrow as I have to deal with my ex, be there and help it to go well. I love you
Dear Jesus help me today. Watch over me and protect me. Watch over my family and friends, bless them. Please keep satan, his demons, and anyone looking to harm us away. Help me be productive today. Help me to shine your light and respond with strength and kindness. Help me to continue to remove...
Lord, the devil is attacking me. I know you know this. He is using my ex to poke at me and cause me pain, and he is using discouragement to hinder me from progress. Please Lord help me deal with these things. Please watch over me and protect me. Help me through these trying times, I am sore...
Prayer request for lady who misses her ex. He left to go to rehab. She misses him. He spent time with their son. He has severe addiction issues and she knows that he needs help with his addiction and to stick with rehab. Cause he takes medicines now. Pray God comforts her and their son and that...
Prayer request for understanding to come upon a woman and her child. Her ex is addicted to alcohol and sleeping pills. He visited with her child, was being helpful. But during the visit he was showing severe addiction problems to alcohol and sleeping pills. Then had few drinking sprees in town...
Dear Lord, please help me. You know what situation I am in and how I need great blessings from you. With my car needing repairs and a lack of money after this, situation, is just a lot and I want to be able to not have to ask my ex for help. Please provide a way for me to get a new vehicle and...
Please bring us back together. Please Lord do not keep us apart, neither of us are perfect, we are human, we error but please do not keep us apart. Please have my ex reach out to me this month so we can rebuild what should have never ended. I will obey, honor and care for them to the best of my...
Lord as I start a new day single, thank you. Help me to grow as a Christian and grow as a man, help me to be a good father. I have never not be romanticalh connected to my ex since high school, help me to move forward. Help me to find friendships, and help me to work toward excellence. Please...
I messed things up really badly with my ex. I still love him and id give anything in a heartbeat to be able to be with him again. Pls pray for him to forgive me and desire a relationship with me again. All I want is a second chance to be a better girlfriend to him, and hopefully his wife...