Heavenly father I lift your name on high this morning. I thank u. pls deliver me from all familiar spirits witchcraft evil eye lust playing mind games adultery spiritual attacks satanic attacks lustful thoughts evil thoughts wicked thoughts intrusive thoughts anger wishing evil against someone...
adultery spiritual attacks satanic attacks
country: unknown
evil eye lust
familiar spirits
heavenly father
intrusive thoughts
life amen
mind games
Heavenly father I need total deliverance from lust sexual sin sexual addictions demonic activities evil wickedness evil thoughts wicked thoughts spiritual wives monitoring spirits intrusive thoughts the strong man. familiar spirits spirits of pursuit spiritual wives familiar spirits evil eye...
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls atone me of all sins. I need Deliverance from all demons demons of witchcraft intrusive marital curses thoughts evil thoughts wicked thoughts lust adultery idolatry addictions sex addictions fornication uncleanness familiar spirits rebellion...
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls atone me of all sins. I need Deliverance from all demons demons of witchcraft intrusive marital curses thoughts evil thoughts wicked thoughts lust adultery idolatry addictions sex addictions fornication uncleanness familiar spirits rebellion...
Heavenly I need Deliverance from all demons demons of witchcraft intrusive thoughts evil thoughts wicked thoughts lust adultery idolatry addictions sex addictions fornication uncleanness familiar spirits rebellion evil eye wickedness. Pls set me free. Pls uproot and destroy and put all this to...
Heavenly father pls uproot and destroy and crucify and put to death all insecurities intrusive thoughts bad demonic mindsets motives evil thoughts wicked thoughts. Pls continually that I will have right motives in all that I'm acheving. Amen.
such evil thoughts about God and i just cant stop smoking and eating, living according to the flesh and dying. I dont understand why God wont help me all my prayers on youtube and what I read say its impossible to change without the Holy Spirit yet He still wont send it. I know He is perfect and...
Heavenly father pls remove throw out all evil and all wickedness and all evil spirits demonic spirits and wicked spirits. Pls save all those that r not saved. And pls uproot and crush and destroy and put to death all wrong thinking patterns demonic mindsets intrusive thoughts evil thoughts...
Heavenly father pls remove throw out all evil and all wickedness and all evil spirits demonic spirits and wicked spirits. Pls save all those that r not saved. And pls uproot and crush and destroy and put to death all wrong thinking patterns demonic mindsets intrusive thoughts evil thoughts...
Please heal all our hearts and repair the relationship better than ever with my daughter & bring her back. Remove the evil thoughts of hate&vulgarity from my husband and replace them with God’s love and Grace. Help to be a better child of His.
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me if all sins. Pls heal my heart and pls heal me from all emotional wounds. That I will reject all lies in my life. That I will join With other believers and not be too isolated. And be saves from all demonic attacks satanic attacks...
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me if all sins. Pls heal my heart and pls heal me from all emotional wounds. That I will reject all lies in my life. That I will join With other believers and not be too isolated. And be saves from all demonic attacks satanic attacks...
God bind all evil people that want evil for me and my wife n kids , stop their assaults & evil gossiping, have things come over them when they try to do or speak their evil , lord frustrate them . Keep Vince & all people who want to hurt me and my family away , far away from my family. Let all...
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. That I will totally repent of all sins. Pls destroy and put to death all sin all evil eye gluttony all wickedness all familiar evil desires evil intentions wicked selfishness hatred anger rage strife addictions greediness...
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. That I will totally repent of all sins. Pls destroy and put to death all sin all evil eye gluttony all wickedness all familiar evil desires evil intentions wicked selfishness hatred anger rage strife addictions greediness...
Please pray for my teenage daughter that God will guide and protect her. Let her fear God and evil thoughts go in the name of Jesus Christ our lord, amen.
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. Pls destroy and put to death all sin all evil eye gluttony all wickedness all familiar evil desires evil intentions wicked selfishness hatred anger rage strife addictions greediness covetousness jealousy unforgiveness mind games...
Father, let us look deeply inside our souls and repent from all evil thoughts, cast down our vein imaginations, destroy all the things we do that hinder our authentic walk with the one true God, who will judge us when He treturns. I pray less of us and more of you.
To seek those who are...