evil power

  1. Articles

    Today's Verse - Psalm 1:4 (KJV)

    The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. —Psalm 1:4 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... No matter the temporary apparent benefits of wicked schemes and evil power, all these efforts end at the grave and are swept away leaving the wicked with nothing to show...
  2. Rajvreck

    Man of God please I want you ...

    Man of God please I want you to pray for me 1.pray that God should please restore my relationship with Betrand we really messed up but we want a second chance from God.so that we can do things the right way in Holy matrimony 2.I pray for financial open door and that God should open sources which...
  3. Mochric

    Celestina kasongo to be uprooted out of ...

    Celestina kasongo to be uprooted out of my marriage,my husband Timothy longwe to be released from every evil power and financial breakthrough
  4. Mochric

    Celestina kasongo to be uprooted out of ...

    Celestina kasongo to be uprooted out of my marriage,my husband Timothy longwe to be released from every evil power and financial breakthrough
  5. Mochric

    Restoration of my marriage, my husband Timothy ...

    Restoration of my marriage, my husband Timothy longwe to be released from every evil power and breaking free from generational curses
  6. Jesika

    Please pray for my would be Madhup and for my marriage

    Please pray for my would be Madhup and for my marriage that it will be conducted in the month of April....please pray for us so that no evil power may work against this....please pray.......🙏🙏
  7. Morgoranyr

    pray for my husband Obuk mize protection ...

    pray for my husband Obuk mize protection from evil power and healing
  8. Jayakumarbabu

    Request for healing

    Dear Brotheren, Myself, my wife and two daughters are living in Kerala, India. I am working for the Lord as a Church Worker. My elder daughter has passed graduation and praying for next step. My younger daughter is studying for graduation and she is going through a hard time. She is not able to...
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